15. Caretaker

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James POV

I was sitting in the informal sitting room working on my potions essay in my pyjamas which is just some pyjama pants when the floo flared up. Mom and dad had gone to bed already. I looked over and saw Sirius laying there.

"Sirius!" I exclaimed and ran over to check on him.

"Reggie." He mumbled while stretching towards the floo before he fell unconscious.

"Mom!!!" I shouted lifting Sirius up. I ran past their bedroom door just as dad opened it. "Medwing!" I said and kept running. I heard the door close. When I got to the medwing I put him down. Mom soon enough came in with dad shortly after. She saw Sirius and got to work.

"You should go finish your work or sleep James. He won't wake before the morning at least." She said and I nodded. So I went to my room and stuffed my pillows and teddy bears under the sheet so it looked like a person was there. Then I left out the back doors that lead to the garden. Got out of the wards and apparated away. I looked up at the building in front of me. Then I walked up and into the building. I heard screams echo as soon as I entered the building. Kreacher popped in and I held a finger to my mouth. Then I entered the kitchen and found a pan before walking to the sitting room where I found Walburga and Orion torturing Regulus. I raised the pan over my head and banged it into Walburga's head. Orion turned around and I hit him straight in the face. I walked over their unconscious bodies and lifted Regulus up. He was also unconscious.

"Come on Reggie. Let's get you out of here." I said and walked out of the building. "Be safe Kreacher you might get blamed for this." I said as I walked out the door.

"As long as master Regulus is fine. Kreacher will be fine." Kreacher said and I nodded.

"Thank you for taking care of him." I said before apparating away. I appeared where I wanted to and began walking. Carefully I put Regulus down before knocking on a door and entering. Multiple wands were pointed at me, but no one fired.

"Heir Potter." The dark lord said surprised.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly before looking around until my eyes landed on Lucius and Snape. "Could we... talk?" I asked.

"About what?" Lucius asked.

"How to hide a body. Not a dead one. A functional one. A person. That you don't want certain people to find." I said.

"What have you done this time Potter?" Snape sneered and I stepped aside so they saw Regulus.

"I don't really think Walburga or Orion will be happy that I hit them over the head with a pan." I said.

"A pan?" Snape asked.

"Yeah. I can't exactly use magic outside of school. Or with a wand outside the wards at least. The point is I don't have the right potions against nerve damage and that stuff and seeing how you're like a potions nerd..." I said and trailed off.

"You thought I had it?" Snape asked.

"Yeah.. so do you?" I asked.

"What would you need a potions like that for?" The dark lord asked.

"Well the cruciatus curse does cause nerve damage so... yeah. I'm not stupid enough to hit them over the head without reason. Even if I am very dumb at times. It's enough with the amount of scolding I'm going to get when grandpa finds out." I said. "You must not harm people child." I mimicked.

"I do not sound like that." I heard behind me and grimaced. Then I turned around to see grandpa and Arcturus.

"In my defense. Walburga and Orion started the harm and they can't get brain damage without a brain so it can't have caused that much trouble." I said.

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