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Weeks passed and Tasaga was still unconscious and showing no signs of life. His body had turned greyish,a sign of death to who ever set his eyes upon him and in this case the eyes were of the eight sisters who wanted to survive the attacks of the spirits , the witches , warlocks and the man beasts. The warlock ssemanda hurriedly walked into the homestead where the leader of his coven stayed. He quickly knocked and entered the main large hut where katikiro the man who was the leader of the coven stayed. He found the katikiro in a meeting with the other warlocks .
Ssemanda; we have got a location on the dark magic witches. A man came in and said he saw them carry out a ceremony in wampewo and fire rained down from the sky.
Katikiro; is he certain?
Ssemanda; he is very certain and scared to."

The warlocks then rallied the wolves and witches and set course for wampewo. As Nalika watched Tasaga he saw his leg twitching side ways, then his fingers moved and eyes opened up wide. He let out a loud yell in pain as he removed the dagger that was in his chest. Nalika rushed to where he was and helped him sit up. Tasaga liked at her and remembered she was the one who killed him. He got up quickly and ran away from where she was and went outside. As soon as he got outside he felt drowsy, his eyes took some time to adjust to the light. All the other dark magic witches saw him and rushed to where he was to calm him down. When he saw them he tried to run but he tripped and fell. Nalika rushed to where he was and held him on the ground.
Nalika; Tasaga I need you to calm down.
Tasaga;. Calm down! You killed me. Wait I can hear, how can I hear.
Nalika; I promised you cure for ur deafness and I have now given it to you.
Tasaga; what wow this is amazing.
Tasaga calmed down seeing he had got cured from his disability.
Nalika explained the transformation that he had under went explaining step by step how his body and metabolism now worked. Tasaga is body was durable and could heal faster than normal. His eyes changed colour to dark gold whenever he used his abilities. Tasaga had supernatural speed, strength,skill and could control other creatures minds with a look into their eyes. The witches taught him how to use all these abilities and advised him to put his imagination into it. Weeks of training passed as he trained. One of the last days as he trained with Nalika and then Tasaga heard something coming from miles away. The sound was a stampede coming from the west.

Tasaga ; there is something coming. It's coming fast!
Nalika; listen properly and tell me the sound you hear coming from what is approaching.
Tasaga; the are howling, it's wolves!!!!!!

Once Tasaga had said wolves Nalika knew the warlocks and witches were on their way. Nalika ran back to the compound and alerted her sisters. Together they all ran behind the shrine and jumped into their horses. Tasaga had speed so he never needed a horse. As the got ready to run a sound of a horn was heard. The dark magic witches and Tasaga looked where the sound came from. More than thirty wolves approached at a high speed. The stampede was of wolves. The warlocks and witches came flying from above. The spirits started sending attacks against the dark magic witches. Nalika turned her horse and rode off, her sisters followed her. Tasaga came running behind them killed which ever wolf tried to get near the dark magic witches. The horses reached full speed and put a distance between them and the attackers. Tasaga easily killed the wolves. He was faster and stronger than the wolves. The warlock ssemanda got near to the witches he sent fire to the witches and namboze put up a shield which saved them from the heat blast.
As he sent another attack Tasaga caught up with him and snapped his neck in mid air. As another wolf approached Tasaga punched a hole through his skull and tore his jaws apart, Tasaga then ran a different direction from Nalika and her sisters. The wolves followed Tasaga as the warlocks and elemental witches followed the dark magic witches.
The dark magicians defended themselves well and escaped to the village of lugoba. Tasaga also escaped from the wolves and regrouped with dark witches after a week.

Tasaga; hey anyone home.". Nalika came out of the hut she had acquired and so did her sisters.
Nalika; how did you find us."
Tasaga; I dont know how but I can feel you. It's like a bond"
Nalika; am just happy you found us."

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