...To Make Us Feel (Part 2)

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Gerard was lost.

Literally - he actually had no idea where he was. Although, you could say he was lost spiritually as well. That's besides the point, though. He was lost and higher than the Empire State Building. It was a mellow high that caused him not to panic in his situation. In fact, he found it quite hilarious.

He approached a car, and giggled. "Can you take me home? I seem to have misplaced myself."

"Are you high?" The driver questioned.

Gerard looked down at his shoes. "No, I'm pretty sure I'm still on the ground."

"Loser," The driver mumbled, speeding off. Gerard laughed and waved at the car.

He walked to a bus stop, and sat on the sidewalk cross legged, patiently awaiting the next bus. What he didn't know was that the next bus wasn't scheduled until half an hour later.

Gerard hummed in content, something he rarely did these days. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he fished it out, snickering at how it spooked him at first.

"Hellooo?" He stretched the word.

"Gerard, where the hell are you?!" It was Mikey.

"Um, I don't know. A sidewalk, maybe?" He sniggered.

"Jesus, are you high?" The voice on the other end was irritated.

"No, why does everyone say that. I'm clearly on the ground. I think."

Mikey sighed. "Just tell me where you're at. What are your surroundings?"

"Uh, well I'm at a bus stop, and there's some creepy purple bunny staring at me . . . Oh, and there's a sign that says Franklin Avenue! Haha, get it cause Fra-"

"I think I know where you're at. Wait for me there, and don't move, okay?"

"Okie dokie. But you might wanna hurry, the bunny's getting ferocious."

Mikey sighed for the tenth time. "Gerard, there's no purple bunny."

"I beg to differ."

. . .

Gerard and Mikey entered the latter's apartment, Mikey chucking his keys on the counter.

"I'm gonna shower and head to bed. You can sleep on the couch."

"Okay." Gerard said somberly, his high wearing off and his head pounding. "I'm sorry I caused you to worry."

"You're my brother, it's part of the job. Now off to bed you go, we've got work to do in the studio tomorrow." Mikey ushered Gerard into the living room, and handed him a blanket.

Gerard snuggled into the couch after Mikey left. He lay wide awake, feeling like shit. His high was definitely wearing off, and the side effects were kicking in. He turned restlessly to gaze out the window. It had started to rain, and he was mesmerized. It was pouring and thundering aggressively, but somehow it suited his mood.

"Long ago just like the hearse you die to get in again." Gerard couldn't help but softly utter the lyrics to "Helena".

Out of nowhere, tears sprung from his eyes and he was blubbering like a baby. He blamed it on the drugs' side effects. After all, the red ones make you fly, and the blue ones help you fall.

Mikey walked out of the bathroom, freshly showered and into the kitchen, whistling to himself. "Gerard, you still awake?" He called out.

"Yeah." Gerard answered. And added in a serious tone as an afterthought, "Hey Mikey, do you think life would be easier for you if I weren't here?"

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