The Stakeout

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(Remastered Version)

Y/n's POV

"The Foundation is totally running out of agents to send!" I shouted.

Carson and I walked down the hall to the briefing room. Recently we have been assigned to assist another squad in re-containing an escaped SCP, this anomaly has eluded their containment attempts for a long time now.

"They've sent multiple teams after this thing and still haven't recaptured it! They must be that desperate if they're sending us, that's all I'm going to say."

We stopped outside of the door, out of the corner of my eye, I could see some people inside.

"Let's just get it over with, someone has to do the work." Carson explained.

Never thought he would be the one telling me to just deal with it.

I mumbled under my breath. "Sure... whatever."

We stepped into the room, rows upon rows of MTFs filled the space aside from the stage, almost exceeding capacity. I spotted a few seats in the second to last row. We hurried over and took our seats, Carson choosing to sit right of me.

We waited for what feels like an eternity; occasionally, I would glance over at my brother who remained slumped in his chair, equally as bored as I am. After some time, a researcher walked up to the podium.

"Hello everyone and thank you for joining us. Today's assignment is..."

We zoned out after only a few seconds. Once you hear one briefing, you hear a million.

"It's a dangerous SCP, follow containment procedures, listen to your commander; it's the same thing every time..."

"...Agent Carson and Agent Y/n..."

We looked up just as they motioned to another person standing beside the stage: some African lady, bald, tough looking and around our height and age.

"...will be with Agent Ramsey."

Partners huh, go figure?

Carson stared at her for much longer than needed to which she gave a fierce glare. Instinctually, I gave him a nudge and he looked away.

"With that, you are dismissed."

Everyone rose from their seats and exited the room, Carson and I got dragged along too, separating from the crowd when we poured out onto the Site parking lot.

I scanned the area. "Uh... which van are we driving?"

"How should I know?"

"Hey, you two!"

We turned and saw the woman, Ramsey, standing beside a white van, staring at us with a displeased expression like she knew we're trouble.

"Get in."

We walked over as she hopped in the driver's seat, immediately starting up the engine before we took our seats. Once we buckled up and she started the engine, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the dirt path.

Time Skip

Ugh, I'm so bored!

It's almost 10 p.m. and there hasn't been any suspicious activity reported.

How is Ramsey still vigilant?

She sat in the driver's seat, binoculars in hand, surveying the area outside of the alleyway we've been monitoring for SCP 953. Carson, being the little bro I know, kicked back in his seat with his hands behind his helmet and feet on the dashboard. I sat in the back, on the verge of falling asleep as I could feel my eyes grow weary and a yawn about to escape my mouth... but it never came.

SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation: Carson and Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now