chapter 1

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Lura'Cinn vas Henbay is my name and I was one of the designers of the Tempest and I work alongside many different people. The one I work alongside the most thought is Teon'Adda vas Moreh who is a quarian just like me. The funny thing about work with him was when we went to Omega to get drive core components we were told that they don't sell to us quarians and so he use memory foam glued to his enviro-suit and while distracted the seller Teon lend against the drive and made a perfect mold for the drive core components. The seller didn't even know which made it even better. But enough about that let get to where I was putting the finishing touches on the drive core with Teon.

Lura: Teon can you hand me the last part of the drive core please. ( she said without turning around with her hand outstretched behind her)

Teon: Sure( pick it up and give it to her) here you go.

Lura: Thanks Teon!

( A few hours later)

Lura: And~ DONE! ( Turns around and faces Teon)

Teon: Alright let's go see where everyone is at.

Lura and Teon then begin to look for the others and find them in the helm of the Tempest.

Lucille: I believe you and Lura should go with the Nexus and finish the story of the Tempest. An plus it will be nice to know that there is someone that can fly and fix the Tempest when it is needed out in the Andromeda galaxy Kallo.

Kallo: You might want to ask if Lura even wants to go to the Andromeda galaxy first though.

Lura: Well why don't you ask right now?

Both Kallo and Lucille look over to see Lura and Teon standing right in front of them.

Lucille: Lura I... umm.. (huffs) Lura are you wanting to go to the Andromeda galaxy to see the Tempest in action.

There was a very long pause and as the still quietness began to settle Lura looks up to Lucille (fun fact my oc high is based off my real height which is 5'4) and said

Lura: Yes.

(Time skip to when the Nexus made it to Andromeda/ two days later)

As people begin to wake up to help clean up the damage among them was Lura and and Thanks to her knowledge of ships and how to deal with overloaded power systems she was woken up to help keep the Nexus up and running but that also made her a very big target during the uprising on the Nexus but that is not for a while. This takes place the day she and a turian male named Kandros went out to be a protection detail for a prospecting team.

Kandros: Alright is everyone ready?

Team: Yes,Sir!

Lura: Yes,Sir!( salutes)

As they were exploring they ran into an unknown group of aliens. When trying to make first good contact with them. Everyone was captured by them and learned that they were called the Kett.
Kandros alongside Lura they both broke out and got a weapon and saved Everyone and made it back to the Nexus. Lura had a few scratches and some pretty deep cuts on her arms and legs so thanks to that she was sick for almost 3 weeks; and she had also had a few broken bones from the Kett an do to no proper medical treatment from the Kett the bones didn't heal properly and she was stuck wear a leg braces made by the doctors on the Nexus. But as time went on the uprising started and mutineers started to sabotage the Nexus's Systems Superintendent Kesh had asked if Lura could help with the systems so they can keep the station up an run.

Kesh: Lura'Cinn vas Nexus we need your help with keeping our systems operational while Kandros deals with the mutineers.

Lura: ( Sighs) Of course Superintendent. I promise to help keep all systems that the mutineers mess with operational. Also please just call me Lura.

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