Chapter 16: Jessica's Point Of View

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-One Month Old-

It has been a month since the birth of my babies and Liz's baby. I havent seen my parents since the birth of my babies but they are coming over. It isn't much to say. They lied and didnt come back until I got pregnant and went into labor. They show up at my house and then they show up at the hospital. Why would they do that? If they didnt want kids they should have had protection or something. It's really sucky when your parents fake their death to get away from you. They could have put us up for adoption. Maybe they regret keeping us. Whatever it is. Its going to take alot to forgive. Alot.

I got out of bed after the long talk with myself. I enetered the nursey and grabbed Taylor from his crib. His dark brown eyes looked at me. I sat down in the rocking chair and rocked my little boy. After feeding Taylor and putting him to sleep I fed Tyler. He didnt fall asleep so I just stared into his light brown eyes. The doorbell finally rang. It was time to talk to my parents. I picked up Taylor from my lap and brought him downstairs and sat him in his bassinet. I grabbed Tyler and then opened the door. Ethan and Alexis walked in then both of my parents. I sat Tyler on the pillow next to me.

"So. Hows it going?" My mom approached

"Just start talking." Ethan demanded irritation in his voice.

"You have to believe us. It was for your saftey. For your well beings." My dad explained.

"Yes. Faking your deaths really helped us. See Alexis got in six fights and got suspended six times after you died. I got pregnant. Oh and Ethan didn't get to go to college because he had to take care of us.Yeah. that really helped us and granted our safety." I sarcastically spoke looking at then both as I laid back on the couch.

Taylor began screaming. I handed Tyler to Alexis who sat beside me and picked up Taylor from the bassinet. As soon as he got in my arms he stopped crying. I put his panda paserfire in his mouth and rocked him. Tears fell down my face. Ethan got up from his spot. And took Taylor out of my arms. He gave me a glance.

"Go take a break, Jessica." Ethan smiled At me.

I got up from my seat, giving my parents one last look, I ran upstairs back to my bedroom. I snuggled up in John's arms. Surprisingly he woke up and gave me a kiss, cause he is a hard really sleeper.

"What happened Jessica?" he asked, turing around

"I can't believe my parents lied to me. And think it's to keep us safe." I cried in his neck.

"Babe. I love you so much. And it will be okay." He whispered after giving me a kiss.

We just talked to get my mine off of things. Soon we got in the shower. For about an hour. I looked downstairs after the shower to see everyone gone. My babies were sound asleep in the cribs. I was still mad but I knew they were coming over tomorrow. So I snuggled up with John in the bed and went to sleep.

Hey. So just to let y'all know I'm happy to see people reading this story. And none of this actually happened in real life. It is all fictional. But I dont think you should go out and get pregnant. Not all teen pregnacies go good. Thank you for reading. Bye:) Question: Do you think Jessica will believe them and forgive them? Thanks For Reading...

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*

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