Chapter 15: New York and the Dawsons

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Sophie, Jack, and I were standing on the deck of the Carpathia; it was pouring outside, but we had a large umbrella that could cover the three of us. We were standing close together, his arm around my waist and my head in his neck, with Sophie standing between our legs. We all looked up at the massive Statue of Liberty, which marked our arrival in New York. Men working on the Carpathia were walking around collecting the names of Titanic survivors.

"Sir and Madam. Could you please tell us your names?" According to an American man holding a clipboard and another umbrella. "

Mr. Jack Dawson

"I knew what I was going to do, Jack said as he stared at the man.

"Dawson. Amelia Dawson." Jack looked at me and then smiled, I said lightheartedly.

"Sophie Dawson!" Sophie yelled while smiling and looking up at us, and I laughed as Jack scooped her up.


"Would you like to join us?" He enquired. She hugged him and quickly nodded. I smiled as the man with the clipboard left to take more names. This was the start of something wonderful.

I put my hands in my pockets because I was cold, but I got the strange sensation of cold metal. I exclaimed as I pulled out the strange object. There were two necklaces. Caledon got my mother to bring me the Heart of the Ocean and the necklace. That was his coat! He intended to take them! I also took out three stacks of $100 bills.

Jack's eyes widened and his mouth opened, as did mine. "Oh my god," he said quietly. I quickly stuck all the expensive tokens back in my pocket and put a finger to my lip as if to say 'don't tell. We began our new lives as a family after leaving the Carpathia.

-Nine months later-

(Warning: The following part may make some people uncomfortable

[brief birthing scene])

I was sitting in one of the recovery rooms in a hospital in New York, having moved around a bit since me, Jack, and Sophie had left the Carpathia. However, we returned to New York for a...special... Occasion. I was in the hospital, clutching my swollen belly, which held my tiny baby (conceived in the Renault), and hoping that he or she would emerge soon. Jack was with Sophie outside because she was too young to see me give birth.

The next few hours were difficult, but I knew it was worthwhile because when the midwife handed me my cleaned-up baby boy, I immediately fell in love, and I now had two children. Sophie had become our little girl, and we had both grown to adore her. Jack burst into the large (shared, I might add) hospital room that resembled the Carpathia's recovery room and gasped when he saw the little boy who sat soundly in my arms.

We decided to name him Thomas after Mr Andrews after much consideration. The courageous ship designer who perished along with the ship he designed, and the only man who has ever been a suitable father figure for me in the two years since my own father died.

The birth of Thomas went off without a hitch. After a week, I was released, and we made the decision

to relocate near the Santa Monica Pier. That's exactly what we did.


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