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Hello! I'm Y/n Y/Ln and my life has been... interesting. You'll ask why? Well do you know about the Ancient Greek myths? Those about gods, goddesses and mythological creatures? In my world, they exist. This means that demigods exist too. All of them go to a summer camp, called 'Camp Half-blood' and have ADHD and dyslexia. And just like them I am a demigod too. So if you don't know what a demigod is, a demigod is practically the child of a god and a mortal human.

When I was in kindergarten I saw things that none of my classmates did. For example one day, we were playing on the playground and there was a man that I could've sworn had one eye. I asked my friends if they could saw what I did, but they all told me that the man had two eyes. I was so confused, but I thought that my imagination was playing tricks on me.

When I was five years old and I was taking a walk with my father. That is when I saw a really tall, black haired woman.

"Hello, Y/n." She said after she came up to me. I didn't know that woman and was so confused .

"Who are you and how do you know me?" I asked. She crouched down and I took a better look at her. The woman's hair was long, and her silver eyes sparkled like stars. She was beautiful.

"Now it is not the time for explanations. You will learn all the things you need to know when you grow older. Now I need to give you something." The woman opened her palm and there was a golden bracelet with three charms "This bracelet will help you in danger. Use it wisely and only in emergencies! When you touch one of the charms it will grow to it's original size and you will be able to use it." She explained. "I have to go now." The woman opened my hand and placed the bracelet in my own palm. I looked at it and saw that the charms were a sword, a bow and an arrow. When I looked back up, the lady was gone. So many thoughts were running in my head, but the thing that caught my interest the most was that the people walking around me didn't seem to have noticed the strange tall woman.

By the time I was seven years old, I had already changed three kindergartens and one school. So here I was, in the fifth school facility I was in, and I was determined to stay in it. One day, I was in class playing with the gold bracelet, that I never took off, when the teacher called me.

"Y/n what is written on the board?" I looked up and all the words started swimming on the black surface because of my dyslexia.

"I'm sorry Miss, but I can't read it."

"Well would you enlighten me as to why you can't?"

"I have dyslexia" I said.

"Because of that remark I have to send you to the principal!"

"What?" I thought. With that I got up and went down the corridor to the principal's office. I knocked on the door and entered.

"Mister Rogers, Miss Stripes sent me here."

"Ah yes...Take a seat." I sat down in front of him. He got up and walked around his desk. When he reached the centre of the room he grew bigger and taller. From places on his body there were scales poking and four dragon - like heads grew from the sides of his neck. His pupils looked like cat's and his eyes were a bright yellow. I have seen this kind of creature before! They were from the textbook for Greek mythology! That was...

"A HYDRA!" I screamed without even realising it.

"Oh you are so clever child of Artemis. NOW DIE!" said a monster like voice.

"Child of Artemis" I thought "Now it's not the moment Y/n!" I then scolded myself in my head. Mister Rogers launched at me, but i hid behind the bookshelf. I rolled out behind the furniture and touched the sword charm on my bracelet. It transformed into a real life sword! "Cool! Oh I zoned out again...I need fire." I thought "That's the only way I can kill it." I looked around and saw a big candle holder with lit candles. I ran over to it, grabbed it and with sword in one hand, candles in the other I returned to the Hydra. I cut off its heads and threw burned them to prevent them from growing back. The monster fell on the floor lifeless. I put out the fire and the sword returned to its original size. I took deep and slow breaths.

I ran out of the building and went home as fast as I could. I knew that if something like this happens I had to go to some place called 'Half-blood Hill', but sadly the only thing I knew about it was that it was close to 'Long Island Sound'.

When I got home I took my bag. In it, there were toiletries, clothes and water bottles. I got money for transport and went to the bus stop. There I bought a ticket for New York and boarded the vehicle. On it I saw four kids - two girls and two boys. I went up to them.

"Um...Hello... Can I sit with you?" I asked

"Yeah!" answered the blond girl and I sat down next to her. "So, my name is Annabeth, the blond boy is Luke, the black haired girl is Thalia and the black haired boy is Grover. What is your name?"


Whit that our journey to New York started. A few hours later we arrived.

"Do you know how to...go to Long Island?" I asked.

"You are going there too?" Asked Grover.

"Um yes, I am. Can you help me get there?"

"Of course we can. We will help you go there!" answered Grover. Then he saw something behind my back. His smile dropped. "Um...Guys...I think we should get going..." We all turned back and saw a man with one eye. A cyclops! We all ran through the forest with the monster on our trail. Just then I realised that Grover had goat legs! I tripped and fell. My left arm and me upper lip were cut, I got up and continued running, but the Cyclops caught up to us.

"RUN!" Yelled Thalia "I'LL DISTRACT IT!"

Annabeth, Grover and Luke ran, but I stayed glued to my spot. Thalia drew out her sword and I slowly walked backwards. The hideous monster grabbed her and threw her behind me. I immediately ran to her side and saw that she was bleeding really bad. Looking up I saw my friends crying. All of a sudden, a bright white light surrounded Thalia. I looked down at her body and saw that her fingers were turning into roots of a tree. Her hair had pink and white flowers all over it. When everything ended and the blinding light faded, I saw that Thalia turned into a tree. From it spread blue shield like light. A dome covered a big piece of land. I looked to my right and I saw an arch I have missed. It was in...Ancient Greek? The sign said 'Camp Half-blood'. I was shocked! I just read ancient language and understood it!?

"Come on!" Grover said. All of us stood up and ran after him. We went under the arch and Grover immediately called some Apollo kids. They came and took us to what I assumed was an infirmary.

"Wait! Isn't Apollo a god from greek mythology?" I asked one of the blond kids.

"Yes." He answered. "Now stop moving. I have to clean your cut." He then started dabbing a wet cloth on the wound on my arm. It stung a little but when he was done I went to bed and the strange day was over.

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