Chapter 13: Return of NightLeopardmon

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During their clashes against their corrupt counterparts, Kari, Gatomon, Yolei and Hawkmon had entered the tower, finding that as they entered, a barrier of black mist rose behind them, causing Gatomon to tense up and strike at the barrier with a flurry of her claws, but found that while her attacks went through the mist, she couldn't push forward.

"You cannot escape." A voice told them, making the four turn, where they tensed up, seeing NightLeopardmon approaching them.

Getting before Kari, Gatomon questioned. "What do you mean?"

"That barrier is created by the darkness inside my Digi-Core, so as long as I am around, you shall remain trapped here. Furthermore, the barrier to my Kings will also remain in effect, that is unless you defeat me. However, I refuse not to fall to the likes of you." NightLeopardmon told the four, before he drew out his sword and called. "Prepare to fight!"

With his words, Kari and Yolei took out their D-3, confident not to let their friends down.

"let's do this!" Yolei said, earning a nod from Kari as they tapped into the power, filling their Digimon and causing them to Digivolve.

"Gatomon Digivolve to... Angewomon!" The Digimon of Light called, achieving her Ultimate form, while Hawkmon went on a different path.

"Digi-Armor Energize!" Yolei exclaimed, knowing from their past encounter that NightLeopardmon was one to attack at fast speeds and would need Shurimon for such a foe.

"Hawkmon Armor Digivolve to... Shurimon, the Samurai of Sincerity!" Shurimon announced, making his appearance as he stood by Angewomon's side.

However, NightLeopardmon remained focused.

"You better be ready to feel the real pain of a Chaos Knight." He then said, charging forward at great speed, where he shot at Angewomon first.

But managing to match his speed, Shurimon intervened, rushing before Angewomon where he held back the sword of the Chaos Knight with his bladed arms.

"Don't forget about me. I won't let you hurt my friend." Shurimon said as he continued to hold NightLeopardmon back, making Angewomon smile.

"Thank you, Shurimon." She said, before her expression turned serious as she saw an opening and was going to take it.

"Celestial Arrow!" Angewomon announced, gathering pink coloured energy that took form of a bow and arrow, which she then released, firing past Shurimon and right at NightLeopardmon, who broke from his clash with Shurimon, jumped back and, with fast hand, slashed down, cutting the attack in half.

"Is that all you've got?" NightLeopardmon asked, his tone almost disappointed.

"I thought you would match my power, but I guess I was wrong."

With those words, NightLeopardmon used his speed, disappearing and leaving Angewomon and Shurimon on edge.

"Where did he go?" Angewomon wondered aloud as she continued to look around the area, namely behind her to make sure Kari and Yolei weren't harmed.

"We need to be careful. His speed is greater than mine." Shurimon admitted, while Angewomon was thinking the same about her power.

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