Chapter One: Kiddie Camp

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My heartbeat slows to a steady pace as I watch the deer in front of me.  It's unaware of my whereabouts, munching on grass in the middle of this clearing in the woods.  I steady my breath and pull the string back on my bow, extra careful to make sure I don't snap any twigs as I take a step forward.

If I don't catch this deer right now, today, then everyone back at camp could go hungry for a day, which is something none of us can afford in this brutal winter season.  I think of Lulu, barely two years old, and probably not knowing when her next meal is.  It makes my heart ache, but I don't have time for grief at this moment.

I let go of the string and my arrow finds purchase right in the middle of the deer's neck, pushing the frantic animal to the ground.  I stand up straight and walk over to it's struggling body, taking out my pocket knife and slicing the throat of the deer to make sure it's all the way dead.

Taking the arrow out of the deer's neck as the sun sets on the horizon behind the trees, I decide today was a good day.  Jeremy and Rodrigo found some more blankets and pillows at a nearby furniture store, we've got the tents all set up, and I've just found us all a big, plump deer to cook and have for dinner.

I sigh to myself in satisfaction as I tie my rope around the animal's neck and heave the rope over my shoulder, dragging the body behind me.

Technically, I know it's not safe to be out in these woods when the sun is setting, but it had been hours before I found another sign of life that I could take home, and I wasn't about to give up. 

Ever since I lost Linley, I can tell that something inside of me has cracked.  Or hardened.  I'm not exactly sure.  But her death certainly took a toll on the group as a whole.

Linley was the life and core of what my little group of kids was.  She was joy, even when we've lost people.  Protection, even when I've been the one protecting everyone.  Determination, even when all of us wanted to give up.  She was Linley.  And I let her down.

While I continue dragging the carcass, I look down at my left had where my blue string bracelet is wrapped.  It's got dried blood on it, probably some walker guts, and lots of dirt.  But it's the only thing I have to remember little Linley.  I can feel my throat start to close just thinking about it.


"EVERYONE IN HERE!!!!  HURRY," I shout at all the kids running around me, trying to usher them into the big house behind me.  There's a horde of walkers on the street and I tried to hold them off by giving a few kids molotov's to throw at them.  Wrong move.  The street is on fire, kids are screaming, blood and the insides of the dead makes the pavement slippery.

I catch the sleeve of Kai, who's shoving kids into the mansion we've been camped in.  "Where's Linley?"

"I- I- You haven't seen her?" Kai's voice is strained from all the yelling.  "Last I saw she was running with the group towards this house!"

Kai and I share a serious look.  "Search all the kids in the house and count them.  Make sure we have everyone.  I'm going to look for the rest!"  I don't give Kai time to tell me it's not safe before I sprint out into the destruction of the street.

I look in all directions around me, flames licking the air everywhere I go.  "IS ANYONE OUT HERE?"  I check under some cars and stab some walkers that are in my way while I dodge large groups of the flesh-eaters.  "LINLEY??!!  ARE YOU OUT HERE?"

I hear a bloodcurdling, bone-chilling scream coke through the roaring of the flames to my left.  I don't stop to think.  I don't stop for anything.  These kids mean everything to me and I will kill myself making sure they're all okay.  I jump through the fire to see an awful scene.

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