Chapter Thirteen: Show's Over

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The walls of Alexandria seem to be more and more unsafe every day. We've had so many walker attacks in the past two weeks that I'm starting to question if this really was the right place for my group.  Ron and Carl have also been fighting, mostly about Ron being upset about Enid venturing off with me into the woods and how he thinks we're all going to die from these walkers that keep escaping through the walls.  I don't blame him for being worried.

Good news is that Rick has let me go on some runs with him.  This upsets Carl quite a bit, since he's never allowed on runs.  I just told him that it's probably because he's Rick's son and I'm just some random girl.  He's likely to feel less guilty if I get hit or injured on a run.  That didn't really go over well with Carl either, for some reason.

Daryl and I have been eating lunch together everyday, slowly starting to build our father-daughter relationship up again.  He's told me some stories about Rick's group and I've told him some about my own group.  Ever since I had that argument with Carl in the woods, I've been more open to actual communication.  I realize now that sharing my past isn't necessarily a bad thing.  It's start hard, though.

I still have not really spoken to Linee that much.  We have casual conversations when we pass by each other, but I really just miss my best friend.  She made a comment the other day about how "Enid is replacing her".  That's not true.  Linee has been my closest friend since I stepped foot onto that school bus the day of the outbreak.  I plan on talking to her today, to try to clear the air.

Kai, however, has been talking to me.  He says Linee is still pissed about what I said.  I told Kai I didn't truly mean I wouldn't be sad if Linee died giving birth and he told me to say that to Linee's face.  Touché.  I've formulated a bit of a plan in my head on how I'm going to approach her, but at the moment I've got bigger fish to fry.

I'm standing in the middle of the street, watching Rick and Pete Anderson strangle each other in the street.  It's a sight I did not intend to see on this fine Thursday afternoon.

I've heard many stories about what Rick is capable of.  Mostly from Carl, who looks up to his dad heavily.  I respect Rick, I really do, so it panics me to see him fighting someone in the street of Alexandria, people crowding around.

Jessie Anderson is crying on the sidelines, not knowing what to do.  Rick and Pete roll back and forth, fighting for who gets to be on top and finish this fight.

Jessie runs forward, grabbing at her husband's shoulders and trying to yank him off.  "Stop!  Stop!" she screams.  Pete throws an arm back and it smacks Jessie across the face, sending her to the ground.

Rick rolls over so he's on top, his hands wrapped firmly around Pete's neck.

Carl runs forward before I can stop him and attempts to pull his dad off.  He gets shoved away.

Rick swings around on the ground so he has Pete in a chokehold.  Everyone is tense, waiting for something, anything to happen so it'll end.

I think everyone knows by now that Pete has been an upright abusive asshole to Jessie, Ron, and Ron's little brother Sam.  Pete deserves this, yes, but does little Ron really need to see his dad be suffocated to death out on a suburban neighborhood street?  Probably not.  That doesn't mean I don't want Rick to kill Pete right here, right now.

I would.  If it meant protecting the people I care for, I would.

Deanna and Reg Monroe come running towards the group.

"Stop it.  Stop it right now," Deanna commands.  I bite down on my tongue in nervousness.

Rick's voice is gruff.  "You touch them again and I'll kill you," he says.  He hasn't let go of Pete.

"Damn it, Rick!  I said stop!" Deanna moves a little closer to where Rick and Pete are on the ground.

Rick picks himself up and onto his knees.  "Or what?" He asks, rhetorically.  "You gonna kick me out?" He has his gun raised, pointing at the men that are next to Deanna.

I seriously can't believe what I'm watching for a second.  When I met Rick he immediately offered for my groups safety and he's sacrificed so much for me and the kids to stay here in Alexandria.  If this gets him kicked out, I don't know if Deanna will let us stay.

Deanna raises her hands defensively.  "Put that gun down, Rick."

"You still don't get it," he says, shaking his head.

Carl and I glance at each other.  I can't tell what he's thinking.  Some of the kids from my group are here, watching in anticipation to see what's going to happen to the nice man that's given us safety.

"None of you do!" Rick looks around at the people of Alexandria.  Blood runs down his face from his hairline, covering over half his face.  "We know what needs to be done and we do it!" He pauses.  "We're the ones who live!"  Rick points at Reg.  "You!  You just sit and plan and hesitate.  You pretend like you know, when you don't!  You wish things weren't what they are.  Well, you want to live?  You want this place to stay standing?"  He's still staring down Deanna.  "Your way of doing things is done.  Things don't get better because you- because you want them to.  Starting right now, we have to live in the real world.  We have to control who lives here."

"That's never been more clear to me than it is right now," Deanna interrupts, her voice slightly unsteady.

"Me.  Me? You-" Rick laughs coldly.  "You mean- you mean me?  Your way is gonna destroy this place.  It's gonna get people killed.  It's already gotten people killed.  And I'm not just gonna stand by and let it happen."

Deanna's arms are crossed, a look of defiance and determination upon her face.  It occurs to me now that I haven't been let in on the depth of the issues in Alexandria.  I trust Rick more than Deanna, but I doubt this it the way to try and gain more control over the town.

"If you don't fight, you die," Rick continues.  "I'm not gonna stand by-"  Michonne is up and behind Rick before I can even process she's here.  She swings and knocks him out with the butt of her sword.

Enid, Linee, and several other people gasp.  I always assumed Rick and Michonne were close friends, but I guess even close friends have to shut each other up sometimes.

"Everyone go back to your work or your houses," says Deanna.  "The show is over."

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