Chapter Ten: Pink Lemonade

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I look much better in the bathroom mirror this night than I did last night.

My curls looks nice and soft, my skin is cleaner than it's been in years, I have new clothes, and I'm getting ready to go to my first "party" ever.  Yes, I'm calling it a party.  Even though I feel a bit silly getting excited over a gathering of what can't be over twenty people, it feels nice.  Nice like before the apocalypse nice.

Stark as ever, my facial scar sticks out on my face.  No one at Alexandria has asked me about it yet, not even Daryl.  I run my fingers over it, the skin slightly raised.  Technically, I don't think the scar worsens my appearance.  In fact, it makes me look like the person I feel I am.  Other people might think of it as ugly, though.  That's what makes me feel bad about it.

Stupid.  I kill literal monsters on the daily and I'm worried about how my face looks.

I switch off the light in the bathroom and walk out after one last look at my outfit. I'm wearing black jeans that are slightly too baggy on me held up with a belt, a dull green and black striped sweater, and my usual pair of beat up converse. By now, the converse are probably more the color of dirt than the original black color they were when I first found them.

In the living room, most of the younger kids are settling down and getting ready to go to bed. Fernanda has Malik, Jesse, and Lulu sitting around her, listening closely to her read a storybook out loud. It's some rhyming book about a cat with a hat. Rachel, Talia, Elena, and Lina are sat in a circle gossiping about some kid stuff. Jaxon, Naomi, Kendra, and Rodrigo are placed by the window, looking out at the town of Alexandria, all lit up even now at 7pm.

My feet bring me over to where the other council members of our group is.

"So who all is going to the get-together tonight?" I ask as I approach.

"Woah this is like the first time I'm seeing you not be covered in blood, guts, and six layers of dirt, Ash," Linee states. "Must be an occasion for you." She smiles at me, joking around. "Me and Kai are going."

"I'll stay here," Jeremy offers. "To make sure everyone's good. I think the kids are excited about having some free time that isn't focused on survival."

I bow my head at Jeremy, glad that he's offered to stay. "Okay. Make sure they all go to bed at a reasonable time, work starts tomorrow." I think for a second. "Maybe find some new clothes for Lulu if you can. Rick told me today he has a young daughter, so they'll probably have some little kids clothes around here." Another pause. "Oh and-"

Jeremy places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We'll all be fine. Go have fun for once, Ash."

I physically bite my tongue to stop myself from telling Jeremy that Jesse and Lulu's makeshift beds on the floor aren't properly made. I nod my head yes. "Yeah. Okay."

Linee grabs my arm and pulls me and Kai away from the group and out the front door. We start walking to where the Monroe's are.

"What have y'all decided?" I ask. "About the baby."

I realize this may have been the wrong thing to say when Linee turns to look at me like I've just blown my own head off.

"We had already decided." Linee looks back forward. "I told you that I'm keeping it."

Kai doesn't say a word.


"We're in Alexandria now. It seems safe enough here. Hell, that Rick guy already has a little kid." Linee runs a hand through her hair. "We just have to tell them about it and they'll be willing to help with the pregnancy."

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