2• Final goodbyes

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Neyteyam was helping me load things onto Niea and carefully wrapping them so they won't fall when we're flying.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asks with genuine concern while handing me a rolled up mat.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I tell him slightly smiling up at him and grabbing the mat and setting it on Niea.


There's a ceremony where the olo' eyktan is killed so the new one can take over, we all attended as we watched everything happen. Tarsem was to take over the position, he is wise for his years.

Jake was kneeling infront of Tarsem and he took a knife and slammed it into jakes chest, I shut my eyes as tight as I could not wanting to see anything more.


Flying over the water was an amazing feeling, feeling the air blow through my hair, the mist tickling my skin giving me goosebumps.

We flew through harsh winds, huge washes, and thunderstorms for eight hours until we saw the Metkeyina clan coke into sight.

We landed our ikrans on the warm sandy beach getting off and hearing a horn being blowed. Dozens of na'vi surrounded us giving us weird looks.

Two boys walk around us looking at kiri and I with a smirk. I get an uneasy feeling starting to bubble in my stomach, I wrap my arms around myself trying to hide myself from their stares and kiri wraps herself in her shall.

A girl with curly hair and light blue eyes emerges from the water begins to walk over towards the two boys who were still starring at us. Lo'ak and neyteyam turn to look at the girl with wide eyes, neytiri notices her sons looking and smirks to herself.

I roll my eyes at their actions, what was so special about her?

The clans leader who's name is Tonwari came gliding on this winged animal with a long beak, his mate Ronal later came along.

We greet them taking our hands from our head and putting them down, nobody reciprocated our actions.

Jake was explaining to Tonowari how we were seeking sanctuary. Ronal was in utter belief of what was just said.

Ronal begin to circle us looking at us up and down, almost inspecting our features.

"They are thin" Ronal said picking up tuk's arm.

She walked over to neytiri grabbing her tail.

"Their tails are small, they won't be fast in water" she goes on. Neytiri whips her tail out of tonal's grasp.

She the walks over to kiri and picks up her hand holding it high for everyone to see.

"These children are not true na'vi!" She raised her voice looking to the people in the clan.

She walked over to Lo'ak and pick up his hand.

"They have demon blood" she said sternly.

She looked over to me and cocked her head.

"You, you are true na'vi. You are not one of them" she said looking at me confused.

"Yes I am, I'm family" I simply say.

She looks at me and before she could say anything Jake spoke up raising his hand showing the metkeyina people.

"Look, look. I was born of the sky people but now I am na'vi. We can adapt, alright" he said attempting to get the focus off his children.

"Uturu has been asked" neytiri simply said glaring at Ronal.

Jake was now pleading with tonwari, I began to zone out what was going on around me when I felt someone pull my tail.

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