8• The spirit tree

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"Don't go to far Tuk!" Jake yelled out as Tuk was running towards the beach to play in the water as Jake watched from his mauri.

Tuk ran as fast as she could down to the shore when she noticed Lo'ak and nala alseep on the beach twisted within each others arms peacefully sleeping without a care in the world. Tuk decided she would wake them up with a surprise, she ran and called and ilu over and bonded with the animal.

She instructed the ilu to gather water in its mouth and spit it onto her brother and nala. Tuk watched as it all unfolded in front of her, Tuk was laughing so hard she almost fell of the ilu back into the water.

Lo'ak and nala awoke with a gasp wiping the water from off of their faces looking confused as to what was happening when they noticed Tuk in front of them on her ilu laughing.

Lo'ak let out an annoyed groan flopping back onto the sand rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, nala laughed a little and patted his chest gently.

Nala got up and ran into the water towards Tuk laughing.

"I'm gonna get you Tuk!" She yelled playfully at the girl. Tuk shrieked and removed the bond from the ilu and attempted to swim off, nala grabbed her just in time and began tickling the girl until she admitted to give up.

Lo'ak's pov

I felt nala pat my chest and get up from the sand, feeling the coldness of the morning surround his body without nala beside him. I sat up and watched as she ran after Tuk into the water and tickling my little sister.

Nala was unbelievably good with kids especially Tuk, she understood her more than any of us, she just might be Nala's favourite sully.

I watched as the girl I fell in love with in the forest bond with someone so much younger than her, my heart swelled watching them together. Nala would make for a great mate and mother one day, I could see myself having a perfect little family with her one day.

"Lo'ak help!" Tuk yelled out in between laughs.

I got up and ran into the ocean after them grabbing Tuk and tackling nala into deeper water. I smiled at her as she hit me in the water, she grabbed my arm pulling me closer and kissing me under water quickly. We both emerged as Tuk splashed us as soon as she saw us, Nala and I splashed her back just taking in the moment.


Nala's pov

Lo'ak was taking me to go and meet payakan, he said that we had to go out of the reef and that made me a little nervous. The last time he was out of the reef he almost died, I don't know what to expect when we go out.

Lo'ak stood up on his ilu's back and held his hand down for me to grab to be pulled up. I grabbed his hand and slowly stood up not wanting to fall, he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist supporting me as he called out for payakan. His ilu was letting out little yells imitating Lo'ak calling for payakan.

We waited a few minutes before payakan came into view, Lo'ak let go of my waist and dove in towards him.

"Lo'ak!" I yelled out to him.

Lo'ak emerged and climbed onto payakan's fin sitting and greeting him like an old friend, Lo'ak had signed something to him and I couldn't quite make it out clearly. He turned towards me waving me over to payakan, admittedly I was a little nervous after what Tsireya, ao'nung and roxto had told us but I needed to give him a chance.

I dove off the ilu as it swam away, I swam over to payakan as Lo'ak helped me climb onto his fin.

"This is nala, the girl I was telling you about" Lo'ak signed to him saying the words so I could understand what he was telling payakan.

"Hi" I waved nervously to him holding onto Lo'ak's arm for security.

I don't understand how Lo'ak understood what payakan was saying but the interaction was cute. Lo'ak had finally found someone who understood what it felt like to be an outcast.

I don't know what payakan had said to Lo'ak but he began to blush and turn away.

"Shut up, bro" Lo'ak said slightly laughing.

I was confused but seeing Lo'ak happy like this made me happy.

"He said to grab his fin" Lo'ak told me as we bent down holding on as tight as we could. Lo'ak have a look to payakan to say we were ready to go.

"Hold your breath for as long as you can" Lo'ak told me. We inhaled deeply as payakan dove deep into the water swimming faster each time Lo'ak instructed.

We spent the whole day with payakan until it was time to head back before Jake would flip out about where we've been. I said goodbye to payakan saying it was nice meeting him.

Lo'ak called his ilu back as we got on and rode back together. I really underestimated payakan, he's nothing like the stories people have told about him being a killer. I'm glad I was able to hear him out and become friends with him.


Lo'ak and I returned to shore walking up to the mauri when we saw neyteyam, Tuk, ao'nung and roxto waiting outside. Lo'ak and I shared a look of concern before peeking into the mauri and seeing kiri lay unconscious on the floor.

"Kiri!" I yelled as I ran to her with tear in my eyes I looked to Jake and neytiri. "What happened to her?" I asked between sobs. I clutched her hand tightly with one hand stroking her hair with my other.

"She had a seizure underwater when they went to the spirit tree, she almost drowned" Jake said emotionless.

I couldn't believe it, my friend almost died and I wasn't there at all. What if she never wakes up, what have I done.


Word count:1,083

I almost cried making this chapter, it's so sad:'(

I live for the little nala and Tuk moments, they're so cute together. It reminds me of my younger siblings when they were little.

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Kind of a shorter chapter :/

Have a great day/ night wherever you are right now<3 ilyyyyyyyy🫶🏻

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