Chapter I

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Fred- "Hello"


Fred & George- "Hello"

Thoughts- ~Hello~

———————————————————————————————————————————————-Lucius Malfoy, Lord Malfoy, would forever deny staring at his beautiful wife. Or, Harry Potter to most but Lady Hadrian Malfoy to those who really know him. Hadrian could be seen currently joking around with his best friends George and Fredrick Weasley. The 'Devil Twins' - as they are most commonly referred to were making some type of plans with Hadrian from what little Lucius could tell.

He didn't want to intrude but Lucius used a spell in order to hear the trio better worried that the Weasley Twins were roping Hadrian into more trouble like prank making and ideas. "So Harrykins. What is this big important news you couldn't wait to tell your favorite sons?" The two said this in perfect sync. It was as if they practiced it in a mirror. "Well..." Hadrian replied nervously, "I need your guys' help to make a little gift for Lucius. You see I'm pregnant and-" before Hadrian could finish his sentence, he was bombarded with questions.

"What?! Since when? How far along are you?" As George and Fred finished their mini interrogation of their honorary mother, they came to the realization that Hadrian needed help on how to tell Lucius that he was carrying the first-born to the Malfoy, Potter, Gryffindor, and Slytherin bloodlines. Hadrian never knew how to break news to someone without sounding like a horrible person so he often asked the twins for help.

"Well, maybe you should get some baby toys and clothes," Fred said only for George to immediately continue with: "Maybe some little baby booties too and get a gift bag too." Fred continued George's statement. "Then, gift the baby things to him. We wanna be there when you do it. I'm sure his reaction will be absolutely spectacular." Hadrian nodded along with all they said while keeping up easily. That along with the fact that Hadrian was the only one besides their oldest siblings William 'Bill' Weasley, Perseus 'Percy' Weasley, and Charles 'Charlie' Weasley who could also tell them apart.

~Dear Salazar. Hadri is pregnant with our first baby. OUR BABY.  Soon we will be parents. I'm so happy. we are finally going to have a baby after 2 years of trying. 1 year during our engagement/betrothal and 1 year after we got married. Our own child. I can't wait until the child is born.~ Lucius was positively ecstatic at the thought of his beautiful male wife carrying their own flesh and blood inside his womb. The realization made him fall even more in love with his wife.

"I might just do that. Thank you, guys. You are the best friends a person could ask for. I really appreciate it," Hadrian said bringing Lucius out of his pleasant thoughts. That was five weeks ago. Hadrian had finally told his husband the news 3 weeks ago. He took the 2 extra weeks to get all of the baby things to surprise Lucius with. The older male didn't even have to fake his surprised reaction once he saw the baby shoes/booties. It brought tears to his eyes and joy to his heart to actually have real things signifying that a baby was really on the way to the Malfoy family. Currently, Lucius was in the huge library of the Malfoy Manor reading a book on blood wards. He wanted to make sure his family was as protected as possible. Even though they had the entire Dark Sect and Dark affinity person on their side to protect their family.

"Hello, Lucius. What are you reading?" Hadrian had said to his husband who was a little distracted by both the book he was reading and the news he heard. "Oh, hello my love. I'm just reading this book about blood wards. I wanted to maybe put some around the manor for the future. So we can have a little more protection. What did you need love?" As Lucius was talking, Hadrian was getting comfortable on Lucius' chest. He snuggled up to him while Lucius wrapped his arm around Hadrian's waist to rub his stomach that would soon be bulging with life. Their child.

The young couple sat there basking in each other's warmth until a house elf, Tiffy, popped into the room. "Masters Malfoy! Tiffy bes seeing a wizard at the gates. They says they bes wanting to have Eater's meetin'. Says his name is Voldymort," Tiffy informed the couple. "What! Oh my Salazar! We need to go greet him. He will kill you if we don't. My father is very overprotective," Hadrian told his loving husband. Lucius' face adopted an alarmed look. Worried for his life. Though Voldemort wouldn't really kill him. Hadrian loves him too much to allow that.

"Hello, father. How are you this fine morning?" Hadrian asks his father as the manor's main door opened for the welcomed guests. "I am doing fine today and you my child? How are you? Oh, hello Lucius," Hadrian's very intimidating father said making Lucius gulp nervously. "I am doing quite alright My Lord. We were just in the library reading up on blood wards. We are thinking about putting some around the manor for extra protection. We wanted to get your opinion on the subject first. What do you think My lord? Should we do it?" Lucius was nervous. He just essentially questioned his lord's authority. ~Maybe he will kill me~ Lucius thought.

"I think that your plan, Lucius, will insure the survival and safety of my son and grandson. So thank you, Lucius," The leader lord said to his son-in-law. Lucius breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that his father-in-law, who was also his Lord, was pleased with the actions taken to protect their Hadrian and the baby in his womb.

As the three walked into the meeting room that the Death Eaters often used, Voldemort, Marvolo Slytherin's, Inner circle was following close behind ready to take any and all orders Voldemort would throw at them. Everyone took the seats they took in every meeting. Hadrian and Lucius were on Voldemort's direct left side while Severus Slytherin -Voldemort's male wife, Hadrian's mother, and double agent for the Dark Sect.

"Does anyone have any updates? Severus? Is the Order up to anything new?" Severus was asked by his loving husband. "Yes actually. They are planning to try and find our base of operations though they haven't yet. I have been telling them that every meeting is in a different location and no one knows where our headquarters are," Severus explained while looking at everyone in the room.

Hadrian smiles slightly at his mother when he looked at him. The two loved each other very much despite the facade they put on when they are at Hogwarts.

——————TIME SKIP 2 months later Hadrian is showing a little——————

It was once again time for a new school year to start at Hogwarts. Hadrian's 7th and last year at that horrible dangerous school. Hadrian is happy it's almost over.

Word Count: 1162

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