To Make A Friend

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Quinn found her new school life to be relatively easy. Izuku helped a lot in getting her settled into the routine and was a massive boon when it came to studying. She still didn't need help when it came to sciences and English but he was amazing at math. With his influence, the 2 teens regularly stayed a unit or 2 ahead of the rest of their class. The social aspect of school, however, was a different story. Between her refusal to explain her Quirk and adamance on hanging out with the Quirkless kid, her schoolmates seemed to decide on their own that Quinn was also Quirkless. They were mostly left alone, so she wouldn't let it bother her.

"Ahem!" Izuku cleared his throat, pulling Quinn out of her thoughts. She looked around to see the rest of the class had already emptied out.

"'Sup, Izuku?" Quinn quickly packed her stuff into her bag and joined Izuku as he made his way out of the classroom.

"Finals are next week, y'know." Quinn clicked her teeth in surprise. Izuku smiled at Quinn nervously, 'Yupp, she'd forgotten.' A bead of sweat dropped down Izuku's face. "Maybe we should get together and study?"

Quinn crossed her arms and rested a hand under chin as she nodded in thought. "That would be smart. How about today and tomorrow? We can take turns hosting."

"H-hosting...?!" Izuku's eyes widened in shock and his cheeks flared crimson. "L-like we go t-to each other's h-homes?!"

"Well, duh! Today, we'll head to my place!" Quinn exclaimed. She pointed a finger at the trembling boy that walked alongside her. "These aren't any old pop quizzes or tests! They're our end-of-year exams!"

Izuku sighed in defeat, accepting that it was time for the 2 friends to meet the other's families. Quinn gave the boy a commiserating pat on the back and a reassuring smile. Surely it couldn't be that bad... right? "I'll text mom and let her know where I'll be."

>~ W-o-L ~<

Quinn had never been more wrong in her life. She and Izuku stood at the front door with her dad barring the way inside. The man's eye was twitching and arms were crossed. Her mom stood behind him nearly doubled over as she tried to contain her laughter. Quinn's cheeks were heating as she met her dad's glare with an annoyed one of her own. Beside her, Izuku was trembling so much she could've sworn there was an earthquake.

"Who's the kid?" Arthur growled. Quinn rolled her eyes, grabbed Izuku by the wrist, and shoved her way through her parents. As they passed, Arthur grabbed Izuku by the shoulder and spun the boy so they could face each other. "Don't ignore me, Quinn."

"Dad, it's just Izuku. Y'know? The guy I told you I made friends with on the first day?" The stare Quinn shot her old man would've withered anyone else. As it stood, Arthur was more afraid of his wife than daughter. Of course, Nikki was where Quinn learned that glare but she wasn't near as practiced and intense as her mother could be. His daughter rolled her eyes and crossed her arms underneath her chest with an annoyed huff. "We're just studying for finals!"

"Arty, please." And there was the Good Cop. Arthur rolled his own eyes at his wife's pleading. "Go on, sweetheart, I'll handle your father."

Quinn dragged Izuku deeper into the house by his wrist, leading him to her room. She practically threw the poor boy inside before almost slamming the door behind her. Izuku stood silently, his blush having never left his face. He fidgeted with his fingers and stared down at the carpeted floor. Quinn sighed and tossed her bag onto a small table that sat in the middle of the room. She took a seat and began pulling out her textbooks and worksheets.

"Well?" She said. Izuku took a second to work up the courage to move his gaze from the floor to his friend. "You gonna stand there all day or are you gonna sit and study?"

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