The mistake

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I changed my dress again for the second time around. My uncle corners me a lot and it's becoming a hobby. Right now, I don't know what he is up to but there is nothing i could do about it. We went down stairs to see what's going on to the living room. My Dad really invited a lot. I mean the opposite of it. And down I followed uncle to the basement. As we open the door of the basement, I once again saw this capsule which can travel through time and any dimension in the world. My uncle push a button and viola! The door of the capsule opened, not that i cared about. He always push buttons to travel and he knew really well what button to be pushed. I was not really worried to death until my curiosity comes in my way. Curiosity kills. I really wanted badly an adventure of my life. My uncle didn't even noticed my hand moving or my fingers lifting and trying to move around. The bid shiny thing was caught. I pressed it. My uncle panicked. An alarmed has struck me. What have I done.


"Uncle Tom! HELP!"

I opened my eyes and felt shivered from

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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