The Witch

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Aro's P.O.V.

"And here I thought you never wanted to see me again. What brings you to my shop cold one?" Valeria purrs, still being the same sarcastic witch I've come to know.

Her all gold ensemble clatters as she moves in closer to me, some of the gold is attached to her lip and nose. She was always one for such overwhelming ensembles. The woman is walking jewelry. No, a walking jewelry box seems more like it.

"Watch your thoughts, Aro. Remember who you're in the presence of. And I know why you're here and I can't help you. So leave now!" Her cold black eyes tell me I won't get far today, but I won't give up.

"My mate ran off under the impression that I was with another woman, but it was a mere misunder-" she doesn't give me a chance to finish my statement as she cuts me off.

"But you thought of cheating which is just as bad. If you want my help, you'll have to do a lot more than just convince me you're a good person. There's something you can do for me, actually," she begins and I move in close.

"I'll do anything," I respond back hastily, wanting nothing more than to be reunited with my mate. I should've been better to her, but I let her down once again.

"I require materials for a spell I plan to cast within the next few years. It's not an easy spell nor are the materials easy to retrieve. But luckily for you, there is only one material I need for you to retrieve," she tells me and I feel Jane tap my shoulder.

"Master, I apologize for the informality but I want to tell you I have a bad feeling about this," Jane tells me but I merely shoo her away.

"Tell me what you need and I'll get it for you," I respond hastily, earning a wicked grin from the witch.

"Excellent. What I want is simple and not too complicated to get," she begins as she walks around the shabby wooden counter, the gold on her body simmering with each step she takes. It's quite a big difference when compared to this small hut and creaky wooden floors.

She continues, "I require the heart of an alpha. The heart of a leader of a wolf pack. Do you follow?"

My eyes widen a bit and I shake my head as I ask, "That should be an easy task for you to accomplish, you're very powerful. So why ask me?"

She rolls her eyes and mumbles, "Always with the questions. Well if you insist on getting an answer it's quite simple. The wolf's death can not be on my hands because of I kill the creature the spell won't work. My hands must be clean if his death."

Her explanation makes sense and I quickly understand why she needs me. "Is that all you need then?" I ask and she thinks for a moment before smiling.

"Yes. That is all I require," she responds back and I let out a sigh.

"Alright, then I shall retrieve the heart now. I'll be back shortly," I tell her, knowing exactly where to go.

"Wonderful. Then I shall see you soon," she responds back and with a wave of her hands, Jane and I are suddenly swept out of her hut. I'll never understand how she came to have such power, but I also do not question it. I'm hoping one day she'll be a part of our coven, but I doubt that. She bows to no one.

"Master, please reconsider," Jane begins but I brush her off once more. I would do anything to get back the love of my life, and the task is easy enough. So without a second thought, I make my way towards the private jet and set off to Cosenza. It's quicker than driving, that's for sure.

End Aro's P.O.V.

"And that's everything. It's good to finally be done," I sigh, feeling relieved after finishing set up the last piece of furniture. We have been setting up for quite some time, so naturally I'm feeling quite ravenous. But before I go out to hunt, I decide to fix myself up a little. Make sure I look appealing enough.

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