Part Five: Elsa's POV

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Growing up, I had become very accustomed to being alone. But I never realized how much I still interacted with people in the castle. Our maids and servants had come and shared smiles with me, had quickly hurried in and out of rooms, but had still taken the time to share small toys and trinkets with me or add small pieces of chocolates onto my trays. 

Here though, was a different kind of alone. I know guards and other prisoners are outside of my cell, but I never interact with them, never see them... Until yesterday. 

I hadn't realized how much it would affect me to see another human after so long. I had felt where the guard's hands had brushed against my skin hours after he had left. I hadn't been touched in a very, very long time. Even now, I could still feel a tingling sensation where the bandaids rested against my skin, where his fingers had nimbly moved against my own. 

Interesting... My father was the only one who could touch me after the incident with Anna when we were children. He was the only one who wasn't afraid to come close enough and often helped me put on my gloves. Everyone else, if they came too close, reported it felt like touching ice itself. I wonder if the guard had felt it, the ice flowing through my veins, hiding just under the surface. I could feel it there, but since entering this prison, it's like I couldn't access it. I haven't used it since-

I shake my head to dismiss the memory before it chokes me. I stare down at the bandages and notice spots where I had started to bleed through the bandaging on my palms during the night. I glance at the door, where I know the guard stands watch on the other side. Do I call out to him? Ask him for help? Or do I wait it out and see if he comes to my aid on his own?

I think on the possibilities. Glancing around my cell, I notice just how truly dirty this place is. There is a high chance I could get an infection if my wounds aren't cleaned regularly. I groan internally and force myself to rise from my cot. I'll simply tell him my observations and let him act for himself. I approach the door, and right before I can knock, I hear a scrape of chair legs moving across the floor, then two voices, one steadily rising in both volume and pitch. I kneel next to the door and press my ear against the tray my food comes in. 

My guard's voice rings out, echoing off the walls, "Your grace, you are not permitted in this section of the prison. I'm not even sure how you got past the clearance points-"

"I don't care about your measly security measures. You are to step aside and let me enter this cell. I must speak with the witch!" Disgust dripped from each word, targeted at both the guard and me.

A chill shoots down my spine. I know that voice. It frequents my nightmares. The Duke of Weseleton. But before I can think too far ahead to his reasons for being here, my guard cuts in,

"You will either address her as your majesty, or you will not address her at all. You will not speak to my queen with such disrespect." The guard almost growled. I feel a cold hand clamp around my heart at the words. Surely he knows I no longer deserve the title, and surely it had been taken away from me once I was locked in here. 

The Duke scoffed, and I could almost feel the roll of his eyes through the door. "She is no such thing. Now, stand aside before I call my men to remove you from my sight! Or I call in your supervisor! I have no time for these childish games, now move, move, MOVE!" The small man stomped his foot with emphasis on the last few words of his sentence, and it took all my strength not to laugh out loud. I have no idea how my guard is holding it together. 

The guard clears his throat, "Your grace. Once again, I am the sentry on guard for this particular cell. Unless I hear that you have been given clearance, I am not permitted to let you enter or speak to the Queen. You may come back after you have spoken with my commanding officer with a written sign-off and his seal of approval, and only then will I allow you to enter this cell. I will not budge on this, Sir." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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