Chapter 25

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"Alright so you're officially 13 weeks today. So you guys did decide to have a NIPT scan, so let me first say that baby has no chromosomal abnormalities." Yachi began saying as she looked at her clipboard. Asahi let off a sigh of relief, but Nishinoya tried to ignore her. "Secondly, the baby has a gender would you like to know?" Yachi asked, Nishinoya quickly answered. "No!" He almost yelled. He looked at Asahi who defintely noticed Nishinoya's strange behavior. "I agree with Noya, I think it's a bit too early." Asahi said, knowing that's not why Nishinoya didn't want to know the gender. Knowing the gender would get the small omega attached with the baby and Nishinoya did not want that. Yachi nodded then continued with the check-up.

"Okay so everything is pretty normal, except for one thing. Noya has to start putting on a little more weight. We want him to at least be in a BMI of 18.5 and he's at a BMI of 17.9." Yachi informed the two. Noya was surprised especially since he had been eating a lot more since he got pregnant. "I'd say the easiest way is to give into cravings. Since Noya isn't throwing up, he shouldn't have any problems." Nishinoya began to smile. This meant he could eat anything that he wanted now. He smirked at Asahi knowing the alpha had to let him eat what he wanted, Azumane sighed and nodded. "Other than that Nishinoya and the baby are completely healthy. I don't see any abnormalities. Now do you want to do an ultrasound today?"

Nishinoya shook his head, Asahi agreed and Yachi nodded then wrote down on her clipboard. "Okay... questions?" She asked, Nishinoya wanted to ask if he was allowed to have sex. But, that question was embarrassing for all parties involved, but it would be less embarrassing if Azumane wasn't in the room. "Nope." Asahi answered for both of them. Nishinoya gave Yachi a look and she understood. "Alright, then you goes are free to go. I do wish to speak to Nishinoya privately though, your majesty." Yachi said, bowing in front of him as Azumane stood up. He looked at Nishinoya who seemed eager to hear what she had to say. "Don't be too long." The King said, leaving the room but only staying outside the door. He felt sort of guilty for peeping but not enough to stop.

"I- I had a question." Nishinoya quietly whispered. "Of course." Yachi said, getting closer to hear him. "If I wanted to, could- could I do it?" He continued to whisper his question. "Do what?" Yachi asked him in confusion. Nishinoya began to start blushing then whispered in her ear. "If I wanted to have sex again, could I?" He asked straight up. Yachi laughed then nodded. "Of course, just don't strain yourself, okay?" Yachi told him back in a whisper. Nishinoya nodded then thanked her. He got off the bed then opened the door. Asahi scurried away from it pretending he was doing something other than listening onto their conversation, that he couldn't even hear. Nishinoya felt Asahi grab his hand. "I'm free for a few hours, is there anything you want to do?"

Nishinoya looked out a nearby window, it looked out to part of the kingdom. He wanted to go out, but he didn't know if he could go out knowing the whole kingdom either loved or hated him. Asahi saw the look on the omega's face as he looked outside. "Uh nothing. Prob-" Nishinoya was saying before Asahi shook his head. "Do you want to go out?" Azumane asked, the omega laughed then nodded his head. "Okay. Get dressed and I'll come get you. We'll eat out, it gives Sugawara a break and us a date." Azumane said, before he walked away he leaned down to kiss Noya's hand. The omega's face exploded in blush as he watched Azumane walk back to him room.

He tried his best to conceal how excited he was. It ran back to ran and straight to the closet to see what he was going to wear. All of the the outfits in there were maternity outfits. So he had to find one that hides his bump well, but was actually decent enough to wear in public. 

To Be Continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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