Before we start.

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So I haven't done this before, but I feel like it's necessary with this story so make sure not to skip this chapter. This story will be an omegaverse. There will be two types of each gender. Dominant and recessive.

Dominant omegas are the rarest breed in the world. They're extremely fertile, beautiful, and usually are a bit shorter than others. They go into into if they haven't mated in a long period of time. They're smells are usually sweet and easily addictive.

Recessive omegas are more common. They usually can only have about 1 or 2 children. They're beauty is subjective and they can be on the taller side. They go into heat every 6 months. They're smells are a little less sweet and not as addictive.

Dominant betas are usually substitutes. They'll usually change their behavior or smell to fit into a relationship with an alpha or omega. They're beauty is subjective. Male, dominant betas are unable to have children while female dominant betas can have up to 3 children. A dominant beta's normal smell is normally a bit sour until they change it. They're the 2nd most rare breed.

Recessive betas are like normal people. They do not have a smell. Female recessive betas have periods and normally have up to 1 or 2 children at a time. They are the most common in the world.

Dominant alphas are surprisingly pretty common. Female dominant alphas have a penis. They're usually extremely tall, and muscular. They're also extremely attractive. They got into rut every 6 months. They usually have a nature smell that is extremely addictive. They're extremely strong and aggressive.

Recessive alphas are more common the dominant. Female recessive alphas usually have vaginas until their penises grow when aroused. They're unusually tall but not as muscular. They're attractive and go into rut every 3 months.

Also this story will be unedited so please be kind about any errors that are made. Now that we've got that out of the way. Please enjoy the story.

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