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I woke up besides Jay sleeping body,or at least that's what I think since the only thing I can see about his face are his nose and chin.

Anyways I stood up,but I got immediately grabbed by Jay's left hand. That was pretty cute,I guess

I wanted to stay soooo badly ,for maybe another hour, but I had the feeling that if I didn't go home right now I wouldn't be alive in an hour.

So I kissed Jay's lips leaving him dumbfounded with a little smile on his pretty lips,while I ran down the street fixing my clothes.

"HEY WATCH IT-wait wait wait hold on...hey you look so good,want to be my one nightstand for the day.I could pay you a good amount of  money"A blondie said while grinning stupidly

I was about to slap the guy that said that until I saw that it was THE GOO, the goofiest character in all the fucking webtoon...shiiiit lemme ask him his number.

"Oh that sounds like such a nice offer...but you see I'm kinda late for something so maybe you wouldn't mind giving me your number,wait hold on actually give me your phone"

After he gave me his phone surprisingly unlocked I went to his contacts putting my number in it, while memorizing two other numbers.One called "ugly sunglasses bitch" and the other "Samul Se"...how the fuck do you misspell Samuel Seo...

anyways I had Goo's and Gun's number and that's all that matters heheh.

I gave him his phone back,and he immediately went to see my contact, which I named "not my real number dumbass🥵" before he could even say anything I went flying home.

Fucking idiot, there's no way I'm actually giving my number to a guy whose hair looks like piss and outfit like he just came from Hawaii.

He's hot but I don't want to get myself involved with him just yet.

He didn't have my number, but I had his and I even had his two other little friends' numbers as well .I had won the lookism lottery!!!!

After I arrived home I suddenly got teleported in a gigantic grass field with lots of training equipment and even an arena.Needless to say I was scared for my life, the only exercise I did in my existence  was probably walking to school.

And here I was sweating, probably smelling like shit as well since I rolled around the dirt.

That little shitty system said that I couldn't go back to my world until I had done like 100000000 squats, 100000000 pushups , and I had ran 100000000 km and to make things even worse after every fucking hour I had to learn a new fighting technique!! I swear I am gonna destroy the pest who decided to make my life this shitty.

The system told me that every year in here counted as 10 mins in real life.I've been here for almost 5/6 years or so, I lost the count a long long time ago.My days went like this:eat(yes I even had food that the system giave me.It was very shitty for the most part),train,eat,sleep.For 5 fucking years!!!!!

I'm never disobeying the system ever again ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

The only thing that actually made me so happy was that I was completely jacked like really jacked, my face also changed a bit, it was more defined, and my hair grew as well, so I had to cut it to not arise any suspicion.But what could I do about my body to not raise suspicion...mmm...well it's not my problem I'm too tired to think right now.

So I actually returned to my home and surprisingly no one was even there.I walked for a bit until I saw on the kitchen
table a note

Hey sweetie, I hope that your first day of school went well,I don't know why you weren't home last night, but I hope it's not for something that I did .Anyways I prepared a cake for you and it's in the oven and I am really sorry that I am always so absent in your life, but work is work and I need to provide to you somehow.Love you sweetie♥

I almost shed a tear, she is the best mom In the world,how lucky was the previous owner of this body to have someone as sweet as this lady.

I ended the day devouring the cake and having a hot bath.I loved it, I could finally relax until I saw a message pop up on my phone screen

Heyyy lovely!!!!!!!😘😘
Did you really think I would
Fall for that ???????
Well as a punishment for doing this atrocity to me breaking my poor fragile heart 😢I'm gonna pick you up tomorrow to do some things 😏😏😏🤪

                     You better not if you                       you still want to live
                             another day

Blonde hair weirdo
No promises hottie.I would love to talk more with you but work is calling 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

"This bitch" I muttered under my breath

"He better not try anything if he cherishes his life"

I finally went back to sleep not noticing that a certain pink haired boy was stalking me and eyeing me with pure lovesickness in his eyes.

"You have no idea how much I want you m/n (๑♡⌓♡๑)"he said while caressing my hair

If you can't beat your fears join them- by DG

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