Sleeping Booty

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Kissed by a man without consent.

A monster so ugly that I became bent.

My lips are now rotten, dirty to the core;

I feel like the dirtiest, sluttiest whore.

My breath now stinks – that's what woke me up!

Mouthwash to drink – thousands of cups!!!

He takes off with me. I'm tied to his horse.

I hatch a plan; I will show no remorse.

In his bed, I beg to be free.

I offer to be his devotee...

Freed from my chains, I strip off my clothes.

I get on my knees, oh my, how it rose.

I open my mouth, my eyes straight at his.

The little worm wriggled; I spit and I bit.

No more little worm. Dead little worm.

ORGASM from watching

That knob tosser squirm.

I grabbed

the hardest stick I could find

And whacked his head

time after time.

Ensuring his death,

I ran from the scene

And slept again

like our dear beloved Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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