
439 10 2

TW: vomiting

Just before the the Christmas holiday, two of the three Sisters were sick. Ariana, the oldest was sick a few weeks before. But now her younger sisters were sick. Charlotte has caught a regular cold. Adelaide however caught a bad stomach bug. She throws up nearly every thirty minutes during the night. Nothing stays in the four year olds stomach. Narcissa and Adelaide have been up all night. Now it's 8 a.m. Narcissa is asleep in an arm chair in the living room and Adelaide sleeping peacefully, sitting on her lap.

"Good morning Cis-." Lucius chuckled softly when he saw his wife and daughter asleep.

"They must have had a long night daddy."

"I think so, Adelaide is constantly throwing up."

"Come, we'll let them sleep daddy. Let's prepare breakfast for them when they wake up Daddy."

"Great idea." Lucius and Ariana prepared breakfast for Narcissa and Adelaide. When they were done setting up the table Narcissa came in with Adelaide on her arm.

"Can you make me a tea Lucius."

"Of course darling."

"We made breakfast for you mommy."

"Thank you. That's so sweet of you and daddy Ari." Ariana smiled when her mother said that. Narcissa took a seat at the table. Ariana did so too. Lucius aswell after making Narcissa and Ariana a tea.

Narcissa Malfoy/MotherWhere stories live. Discover now