Im sorry please read!!!! ;-;

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Ok so as you can tell I have not updated in FOR-EV-ER an I feel so bad about that. I was being childish, you see I have been diagnosed with s.a.d that means social anxiety disorder an it goes to say that I am deathly afraid of being judged by others. I worked very hard on the second chapter but I made some mistakes on it, a lot of them. An someone pointed them out to me. I being the immature failure I am unpublished that part an tried to unpublished this story (thank god I didn't), an I abandoned my account. Ever few days I would open my gmail an see the replies to the first chapter I uploaded. Fearing the worst I would tell myself that they were negative replies, that they were going to say I'm weird, freaky, gross, nasty, an stupid; but when I finally opened the emails they said good things I can't believe that! I was so very happy when I saw that they were positive, I was ecstatic with joy. But still I'm not 100% sure I want to continue like more like 47% ,but I did promise so anyway please please please forgive me an I would not blame you all for abandoning me I do not deserve your forgiveness ;0; but please find it in you hearts to!!!

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