The arrival of the clues.

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Rolling to a stop the car pulled up and the young girl stepped out and looked around in shock to see that there was NO ONE around and everything was closed! "Where is everyone?" Wondered the girl in a confused state. Walking around she realised that people were scared and did not wish to come out where the murderer could make them their next target. She went over to the closest house and knocked on the door nothing happened until she told the owner, "I'm just a little girl here with my dad for the next month trying to solve the case." Then for the next few seconds she could hear locks being moved, twisted and unlocked. The owner just peeped her head out she saw that she was who she said she was and let the girl and her father in. "So are you here with a police station or are you just private detectives? Oh yeah and my name is Cindy." She asked and told Veronica and her father Keith. "No we are private detectives, nice to meet you I'm Veronica and this is my dad Keith." Veronica started to ask her questions and she soon new what, when and where? Now to figure out who and why! So Cindy left them her number and they went on their way. Later that night they were taking in the atmosphere when Keith spotted a strange man walking around and for that point in time anyone walking around is weird. Getting closer making sure they were not seen they started to get a clearer view of what he looked like and what he was doing.
Creeping closer and closer it became clear that it was the police detective, it seemed like he had just found a footprint near where one of the victims were last seen. They decided to go around the corner and see what he had found and introduce themselves. "Hi detective," she said in a meaningful voice. He jumped and turned. "Oh you frightened me, what can I do for you?" The office asked. "So sorry to scare you like that, I'm Veronica and this is my dad Keith we are here to try and solve the case of the 9 believed murders." - End of chapter 2 -

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