Chapter Twenty - Betrayal

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URIEN HIR SHIVERED IN THE ICY COLD WIND that howled down the dank murky stairwell. The Gnome pulled the thin cloak tightly around his body, but it did little to keep out the chill.

Two Goblyn guards escorted him; their clawed feet clicking on the slick worn steps. He was on his way to see the Dark Witch. He had requested an audience with her letting it be known that it was a matter of the gravest importance.  

He had thought long and hard about the situation and what to do about it. He became weary of the endless searching through reams of text. The pretence.

All for what? 

Sildo Gweir and the others knew of the incantations that would allow Ravengaard to return to the present, it had been discovered many weeks ago. They had decided to keep silent. Sacrifice their freedom to prevent such an occurrence from becoming reality.

Urien Hir had other ideas; he would make a deal with the Dark Witch. A new life for him in return for the lost spells. 

They arrived at the Witch's chamber, one of the Goblyns knocked quietly on the large wooden door. They waited. 

After a brief wait, the door creaked open. Another Goblyn stood there, this one, a female. Except for the absence of horns, there was little difference between the genders. She dismissed the two guards and showed the Gnome into Caranaxus' inner sanctum.

'Wait,' it ordered gruffly.  

The room was stifling. Urien welcomed it after months spent in the cold and damp of the lower levels. A raging fire burned in the hearth, its flames casting the only light into the dismal room. They flickered off the bottles and jars that lined one of the walls. He looked around at the sparse furnishings, there was a huge wooden table littered with bits and pieces and two large armchairs that sat; one each side of the fireplace.

A door on the other side of the room opened and Caranaxus entered. She studied the Gnome momentarily; he cowered under her icy gaze. The Dark Witch walked over to one of the chairs and sat down, her face softened and she smiled.

'Come sit, what is it you wish to see me about...' she hesitated as if trying to recollect his name.

'Urien Hir, m...mistress, my name is Urien Hir,' he bowed, scrabbling forward towards the chair and the warmth of the fire.

'Yes, Urien, of course, what can I do for you.'

' is more, w...what I can do for you mistress,' he stammered, clambering up onto the chair. 

'And what would that be?' she forced herself to stay calm, already growing weary of this game.

'C...certain information is in my p...possession,' he said nervously. 'B...but before I divulge it, I n...need assurances.'

'And what would they be?' she asked.

'I n...need to get out of this infernal'      

'And what makes you think I can grant you that.'

'I...I have heard, the containment spell gr...grows weaker, that you are able to s...send lesser be...beings, like myself, b...back through the barrier.'

Caranaxus smiled at him once more. But the smile did not reach those cold dark eyes. She terrified the Gnomes and with good reason. He knew she regarded him with suspicion, possibly reflecting on what he could conceivably have to bargain with. 

'That is true,' she agreed. 'And what information do you possess that would be worthy of such a gift.'

Urien Hir leaned forward, enjoying the warmth of the fire. 

'If I t...tell you, will you g...grant me my wish.'

'Of course, Urien, of course. Tell me, and I promise I will send you from this world.' 

If he had not been more concerned about warming himself by the fire, he would have noted the malevolent look flash across her face.

'Si...Sildo Gweir and t...the others, they possess the s...spells, we acquired them m...many weeks ago.'

She leapt from the chair; an unearthly shriek escaping her lips.

'I should have suspected,' she shouted. 'I knew they were there; I just did not think you would be foolish enough to withhold them from me.' 

Caranaxus stormed towards the doorway, flinging it open she furiously shouted for the  Goblyn guards to follow her.   

Behind her, Urien Hir climbed off the chair and scampered after her.

'M...Mistress,' he called. 'Your promise, not forget your p...promise.'

The Witch stopped suddenly and turned back to confront him.  

'Why of course dear Urien, I had almost forgotten. I suppose I did promise to release you from the ravages of this world.'

Urien Hir skidded to a halt in the centre of the room. Too late, he realized the error of his ways.

Caranaxus extended a hand, softly intoning words of magic. An invisible hand grabbed Urien Hir. It snatched him up, brutally crushing the air out of his lungs. He struggled weakly, trying to break free, but it was futile. He could hear the Dark Witch cackling with uncontrolled laughter as she hurled him across the room and into the roaring flames of the fireplace.

With his terrible howls of pain ringing in her ears, Caranaxus made her way down the stairwell. Screaming curses, she headed for the ancient library. Sildo Gweir was going to pay dearly for withholding information from her.   

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