Proluge 3 (edited)

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" hey guys my name is Natasha I here quite the rumors about u guys imma decided to check you out."
Tiana's pov
Natasha yup that's her the Jamaican mafia princess #star. I remember her she joined my organization a year ago.

"Oh hi Natasha where is your twin brother?" Tim asked. Her body language changed.
"Hmmm not many people know I have a twin brother." She asked with a raised eyebrow. She and her twin brother usually doesn't attend the same school or stay in the same state for that matter so it is not surprising not many people know she has a twin.

"You guys are part of the underworld aren't you." She asked

"No my precious star we came from space to return u to were u belong genius." Diego retorted.

"Woah someone hasn't had their morning coffee because u can't talk to me like that." Natasha challenged.

Diego got mad and was about to lash out but Akari stopped him "Diego you may be cranky but don't you dare lash it out on others." "Sorry about his behavior the coffee that he missed is racing and fighting, he's been grounded and not allowed to race or fight his parents made sure of it" she said with a smirk.

I get her point of view, how his parents managed to do that is beyond me and hilarious. As he would have been able to sneak out before but now his parents managed to put a stop to that and he refuses to tell us how.

"Oh I see but I don't like disrespect." Natasha answered but Diego just rolled his eyes in response.

"So can I get an introduction to everyone here without the attitude."

"I'm Thalia friends call me Thal."
"Theodore friends call me Theo."
"Timmy call me Tim."
"Tiana call me Tia."
"Carlos you can call me Carl."
"Akari call me Ari."
"Diego but guess you already figured that out."

Thalia's pov
"Yeah I did and nice to meet the rest of you." She referred the first part to Diego then the rest to us.

Everyone glared at him, he signed then started talking "look I'm sorry I was rude but am really in a shitty mood so you just walking over like you are fulfilling a dare just rocked me even more but I guess that isn't an excuse so I'm sorry and apologize for my behavior I was behaving like a dick." Diego stated.

I could tell she wanted to confront her mid rant but me and Vanessa signed for her to wait and let him finish. She looks like she really appreciated the apology when he was done.

Diego is probably the most polite out of all of us but apologizing is a different story so he giving that good of an apology was actually nice even though it might be because he doesn't want Akari to kill him later. Those two should really start dating.
"So can I find out what are you guys underground names since you already know mine and who you are."
"Nope" we all replied popping the 'p' with it.

"Wait but that's not fair" she all but whined, it was actually pretty cute and hilarious.

"We know your name and who you are yes, but that is due to our own knowledge so I think that's pretty fair, so you just have to find out on your own." Henry smirked as he replied.

She huffed and walked away while yelling 'catch you guys later' over her shoulder.
We all Shaked our heads and laughed due to her behavior. This lunch sure was interesting.

School was finally over and we couldn't wait to pick the kids and dash into the comfort of our home. School is mentally exhausting.

You are kidding right, you zone out most of the time during class.

Still exhausting if you ask me. I replied to my subconscious. I am pretty sure everyone has this annoying subconscious that counters everything you say right,right!!! Pls don't be only me.


Third person's pov
The Quadruplets have picked the kids and are now home. They have their respective jobs to get to without raising suspicion so they were working on their computers.

"Hey kids how was your day." Theo asked the kids, as he was logging into his laptop.He was met with 'fine's' and 'okay' from four of them.
"Go finish whatever homework you have and you can come get ice cream." The kids were smart and didn't need help with their homework and even if they did they knew to ask so they got to work.

Meanwhile Tim designed new models for his company, Thal secured deals for hers and Tia was making sure order was maintained well in her organization as some people can cause distress and disorder(quite annoying sometimes, even with the strict rules some just couldn't stay idle.). Theo was determining what new business he should open to add to his chain (he has an obsession of opening a new business every month, you can imagine it's effect. Sorry poor ambitious business men and women, someone is stealing the business opportunities.). They needed to get this done quickly individually as they have to meet up to handle the company they all own together and how they will perform their new song.

The quads have finish their practice it was nice. They also discussed ideas for their company but kept it a little on the low. The Quadruplets suspect their quads are into something but never investigated it as they have their own secrets they don't want to share (although as siblings they typically tell their siblings'everything' they are still some personal stuff like traumas and the likes that they keep from each other as,one they don't want their siblings to be burdened or worried about them with what has already passed and two everyone has this alone space they want just for themselves #alittleselfishnessmatters. ) so they respect each other's privacy.

It is currently 9pm they have fights at 9:30 to 10:30 at the underground fighting arena so they need to leave. They pressed a button on their watches that informed the kids they were going out, the kids already know various fighting techniques and know how to use knives and guns so they can protect themselves.

They arrived at the arena wearing masks, they knocked three times and were allowed in (simple code as it is not a big arena). Normally kids will have been stopped from entering or made fun of for their size but after a lot of experiences no teen that ever entered was underestimated as in this fight club people that come to fight are serious and not cocky so that increases the difficulty level.

The arena was actually a pretty cool place. It was built in a way that the ring is deeper and the audience surrounds it then when the fight starts the ring lights up while everywhere else is dark, the audience can see the fighters but the fighters can't see anyone in the audience this is to avoid distractions.

The quads had their fights but it was mostly a blur for them as although the fighters are challenging they have gotten use to challenge and won all their fights but their headspace is somewhere else so the fight was pretty mundane.

The quads got home at 11pm as they didn't want to leave the kids home alone for a long period of time even if they know how to defend themselves.
They checked on the kids then went to bed and fell into darkness.

Thalia, Theodore and Timothy were all woken up by a high pitched scream coming from Tiana's room when they all got there they all saw her thrashing, crying and begging. They all rush to her side to try to calm her down, what she was saying was at first incoherent but after a while they heard her repeating 'pls I won't ask to be a kid again I'm sorry.' the quads froze for a second while Tim felt a pit grow in his stomach this was all his fault he caused this, he triggered her and now she is suffering all because of him.

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