Prologue 6 (edited)

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  In a certain mansion two people in their 50's are sitting in the living room watching as three boys run round the house playing. One being twelve while the other two are five years old.

"I told you they could play without their devices for once." The woman nagged.
"Yes, yes they can." The man was quick to agreed with a strong urge for survival.

The woman gave out a snort but then the man's phone rang and it was a call from the police station.
"Hello am I speaking to Mr. Martinez."
"Yes you are, how can I help you." He replied coolly.

"I will like to confirm if you are one of Timothy's guardians." "Yes I am, is there a problem."
"Yes there is as we have him at the police station here on recorts of him being in an illegal race and involved in a fight along with a large amount of alcohol and different varieties of drugs in his system, if you will please come down to the station we will give you a detailed report of his actions and the legal proceedings available."

Alvaro took a deep breath to calm down his complex emotions that rampaged through his body and replied with an"okay" before ending the call with a be right there. His wife noticed his shift in mood and asked what was wrong. He explained the matter to her. She exclaimed with a sigh and said the quads did they say they might be trouble, "how are you going to handle this." "Well first I will have to go there and hope it is not the Timothy I know though the probability is low so I think I will just let the quads handle it, they need to suck it up so just kneeling in the corner from me should do."
Alvaro arrived at the station and met with Tim and saw the record he was thoroughly disappointed with how drastic Tim took it too. Tim lowered his head and refused to make eye contact as Alvaro listened to the report, Alvaro paid the bail and brought him back to the house then made him kneel in a corner With his arms up. Tim always disliked this punishment due to the kids being able to see him not that he had time to think with the side effects of his actions in the day started to begin and he immediately broke out in cold sweat.

June took pity for him and asked him to have some water then go to bed. While Alvaro still ignored him.

As Tim walked to his room in the Martinez house he had started to doubt whether he took it too far.
He went off to bed with messy thoughts bombarding his head.

Meanwhile the quads had been informed of their brothers antics and to call them mad was an understatement, any ideas of staying abroad had been eradicated as their dear brother just broke one of the major rules and three furious siblings will make him deal with the consequences.

Major rules shouldn't be broken no matter the tantrums being thrown, breaking one has just left their lovely quad a whole lot of troubles.

I will try to update more often, but tell me what you think.
What major rule do you think Tim broke?
Why are the quads so angry!
And what shall be our poor Tim's fate.
We shall find out when I next update hope it won't be too long. 😘
Thanks for the support and sorry for some disappointment.
Shot chapter am sorry 😔.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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