Simply Infiltrating Thought / Special Edition

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Description: What is special do you notice, does one notice how special the detail is? As to the first this special edition is the special effect. 

Special Beauty Chapter 1, Introduction:

Holistic Combination Discovery   Variety is special beauty.

Without variety, it would be impossible to have beauty, for ‘bored’, would contradict beauty.

Nothing, without good variety can be beautiful.

‘If you excuse this continuation’, but even a girl /, women of impetuous beauty cannot capture good attention, and honest love without variety. She /, one may as well be ‘a statue’.

Variety is the most important ‘Special Element’, for it, itself is what makes elements.

Colours – variations of brown, variations of pink, dark, dark grey, light blue and red, and purple and violet, and cyan.

Variety in life is so apt, that I believe the colours of a rainbow could almost stretch to infinity, although they would (I think) turn to light.

This is the ‘personal development state’ of looking at the detail of life and whilst living on Earth the appreciation of the ‘variety detail’.

There is so much variety, it is ‘Super’ even to comprehend the masterpiece in terms of creation that we delight to view and be a part of and live in daily, and to make the variety even better, we move on by passing through this wonderful and ‘Mighty Earth’.

Glorious beauty is variety and for special success one must friend variety and appreciate variety just as that, a best friend. The way forwards to the ways of the infinite is variety and variety is infinite.

Materials, such as copper, zinc, iron and all the fixed elements discovered by scientists, but as infinite as I am I will always believe there is a possibility for a surprise or even a big one at that, because we know not everything and are not the creators of the outside vision we get to see to explore.

Grass, wheat, rubber, minerals, water...

Wind, Speeds, Hurricanes, Storms, Vortex how many words are in the English Dictionary? Thousands, upon thousands. Are we exploring the variety available to us? Are we getting to what is (thought) to be necessary to our ordinary lives for living, after all relevance is what people seek. To be treated kindly, is what I want so it would be relevant for me to be kind to another person. Or ? Question mark?

A variety of kindness, a variety of words included in a sentence.

A creation of word sentences and a variety of winter breezes this snowy winter or the next (if there will be one?).

A variety of glass, paper and concrete and building blocks such as brick with colours varied for different finishes and effects. Different names for businesses, and names for human beings and animal species, all derived from an available 26 character alphabet, amazing!

Different foods to eat, fish, water even as a supplement different flavours and animals that may be used as pets, imagine that! How awesome is this / that? Unbelievable, but believable to us because it is reality but the beauty of variety is superhuman and we ‘MUST’ understand the consciousness level of the creator of this variety.

Metals, Copper, Iron used in many different ways. Fish cooked in different ways, some stoked, some fried, some steamed. Variety. How much variety is in this Earth? How much more can we do? Does this mean that a special beauty may be knocked out from our self beliefs? Does this mean it is no longer true? What if part of the special beauty is to strengthen, just as when we tired after exercising, the next time we do, we see proof to be stronger. If we have too, we have to motivate ourselves into being stronger and so too, if we are not seeing it (special beauty) remind, and motivate ourselves that it exists and that we are part of it, when living, and even when doing against tough situations, we remember that everyday has been made.     

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