Meeting my parents

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           Charlotte POV
    The next few days I tied up some loose ends meeting with my school counselor making sure I'm able to go to the country. Talking to my football coach explaining why I'm missing the last two preseason weeks as the starting Quarterback both were surprised that I am a princess but both are supportive of me and will see me in two weeks for school. I sigh as I pack up. Henry walks in "Hey Char, are you ready?" He asks "As I ever can be," I say with a nervous smile putting on some tiny 3 inch heels which still makes me 5 inches shorter then Henry. Sam walks in grabbing my luggage. "Thank you Sam," I smile "Of course," he goes to put it in the car. I look around I grab my backpack putting my laptop and the binder of being a princess in with the new game play book for the season. "You got this if you can throw a hell Mary you can be a princess," Henry squeezes my shoulder "True but as the Quarterback I'm not being judged by a country," I smile up at him. "True but look what you have become I have never seen you in heels or even a dress but you went shopping to get a dress yesterday and heels," he says "Yes but I'm still learning to walk in them," I stumble Henry catches me I look up our eyes meet we begin to lean in. But then Sam walks in "Alright time to go," he stops in his tracks when he sees us "Oh sorry," I stand up "It's ok." I hide my blushing face. I grab my phone and fix my heels. I walk out the apartment as cameras flash I cover my face as I get into a SUV.
                Henry POV
Dang it I almost kissed her and it looked like she wanted to. I walk out waving at the cameras as I talk to Sam "It's only a couple hour flight she probably going to sleep the whole time. Since she found out she's royal she's been studying that binder and the game book for the season," I tell him "I watched a couple of her games she's amazing," Sam says "Yeah her dad taught her everything about sports," I inform him. "Well football is a big thing in Zephyr so maybe we can figure something out for her first appearance," he suggests. "That would be amazing, I love that idea and she will to. Maybe her football team can play at a stadium against a team this year," I suggest. "I will see what I can do," he leads me into the car. I sit across from Charlotte. I smile at her "Hey how are you?" I ask "Im nervous my feet are killing me." She smiles back. Twenty minutes later we get to the airport. I let her step out first.
             Charlotte POV
    Once I step out I notice my whole football team waiting for me to send me off. I run over hugging them. "Hey princess," my coach said hugging me bowing "Please don't call me that coach," I laugh smiling. "Fine, but we still have to follow protocol," he reminds me I sigh "Only under one condition. Last week of summer vacation you guys come and we practice in Zephyr." I suggest Sam walks over "How about you do a scrimmage game against a high school," he suggests "Sure as long as the princess can play quarterback," my center John  said. "Of course . I would love that," I smile as I walk to the plane. I sit down on the front seat. Looking at the binder on how to greet my parents. Henry sits next to me "You should get some rest you are ready," I smile "Thank you," I lay my head on his chest falling asleep.
             Sam POV
      I walk in checking the security before I enter the back seeing Charlotte fast asleep on Henry's chest I smile. "Hey all set. Do you need anything?" I ask sitting right across facing Charlotte. "She's nervous but I believe that she will amazing like usual," Henry kiss her forehead.
          Queen Lily POV
As I sit in my study a guard walks in. "Your majesty the princess plane just took off she will be here in a few hours," he says. I grab the photo off my desk it was her and I when I got crowned she wore a pink dress with a tiny tiara. "Thank you Tyler make sure not a lot of pictures let her ease her way into the public eye," I inform him. My social media girl Amelia "We can take a picture in the garden tonight and post it to only the main tv news channels and the local one from Detroit where she grew up," Amelia suggests "Perfect, thank you Sam told me she's nervous," I lean back playing my ring. "I bet just learning who she truly is just two weeks after losing the only parents she knew." Tyler sits down I nod my head. "I will get to it maybe before school starts she can interview with a local news so the people get to know her." I stand up looking out the window "Next week her football team is coming to visit they are playing against a local team, and going to a local professional football teams on Sunday," Amelia looks at the schedule in her arms. "Ok let's do that now let's go meet the plane," as we walk to the car after talking for a few hours. The plane arrived right when I saw her I ran up to her hugging her.
         Charlotte POV
  I try to curtsy to my mom but she hugs me tightly. "My baby girl finally home," she leads me to the car "Thank you your majesty this is my best friend Henry," I say. "Please call me mom or Lily, this is your dad Jeff," my dad hugs me as I try to curtsy. I crumble into their arms.

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