Last football game

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         Charlotte POV
      I smile heading to school noticing more cameras then usual. I hug my friends holding Henry's hand. "Hey beautiful, ready for the last game tonight?" He whispers kissing my forehead. "Yes the family is arriving in a few minutes. They are getting a tour of the school." I spot Nova and Amelia I run up hugging them they giggle as I hug my parents. I show them to the principals office as I head to my classes. Soon my parents come in to watch and observe a AP class. And of course they choose my class I smile at them as I take my notes. That night I got ready for my last game I touch my locker. Theres playoffs but I will never play a normal game. I walk out waving at the cameras shaking hands with fans. I get handed a big boquete of roses. I wave at the cameras as I walk out onto the field. I smile waving to my family in the stands as my parents walk me out.  I smile playing the best game yet. We celebrate by raising the regular season division championship. I get Gatorade dumped on me. "I am so grateful for my opportunity that I get for making school record for making playoffs 4 years in a row. Im so grateful for making mvp in the regular season but I wouldn't be able to do this without my team," I laugh as we celebrate talking to the news reporter. "You do have college offers, do you know what you are going to do since now you are a princess?" The reporter asks. "I am still deciding; but I am proud of what amazing opportunities I get," I take off my helmet picking up Lexi hugging my cousins happily as they approach.

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