The Signless x Reader Part 4

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*Timeskip to nearing the meadow*

I puffed, the walk up here being ridiculously long. I bent over, hands on my knees as I huffed. Geez, why did I want to do this... Oh, right, I'm trying to get with a guy who lived like 100 YEARS AGO. I shook my head, and stood back up right. Jogging, I managed to get to the edge of the meadow in pretty good time overall. I could see Signless, resting on his back in the middle of the beautiful wildflowers that grew here. Marigolds, Daisies, and other flowers that you'd normally find, except the venus flytraps..... I carefully stepped out of the trees, not wishing to draw attention to myself just yet. I slowly made my way to him, watching as he plucked a small, blue, star-shaped flower and began to twirl it between his slender, grey fingers. When I was near his side, I slowly laid down next to him, sensing his attention come to me. I looked over at him, our eyes locking. His red orbs stared back into my (e/c) ones, as his black lips curled into a beautiful smile. I blushed and looked away, just to have a large hand turn my face back. "I'm glad you came, (F/n)... I didn't think you would." I half-smiled, lightly brushing the hand still on my face with my fingertips. "I wouldn't miss seeing you for the world." OH SHIT I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT. My face blazed up further, and I hurriedly shifted my eyes elsewhere. I heard him chuckle, drawing my eyes shyly back to his. His face had gotten noticeably closer, causing my blush to deepen to ridiculous amounts. He kept coming closer, and I... Wanted him to... My hand covered his, just as his soft lips molded to mine. My eyes slid to a close, and I gently pressed up against his.

*Another timeskip to about 2 days after this*

(Signless View)

I sat by Mother, still thinking about the kiss with (F/n) only a few days ago.... I felt a smile tug at my lips over the usually booming girl's shyness.... I hadn't even realized Mother was speaking to me until she shook me. "Are you alright? I've been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes..." I patted her arm, chuckling softly. "I'm fine, Mother, just remembering something quite enjoyable..." "Oh?" I went on to explain to her what had been happening over the last few days. When I had finished, she looked a bit... Excited? "Oh, I do see.... So you have found a new mate for me to pamper?~" I held my laughter in, causing quite the funny noise to escape from my throat. "I-I suppose so Mother. Though, I do doubt she will allow you to 'pamper' her." "Oh she will like my pampering, whether she really does or not!"  

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