Chapter 4: Watered Down Abilities

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Thank you!  This thank you is to all reading the story, and a special mention to those that helped me with my comment problem!  Once more, Thank you!


"Okay class, come at me.  Well answer your questions after you show us your skills."  The ginger seemed very confident.

The two new teachers had directed the class to gym gamma immediately after introducing themselves.  Atsushi and Akutagawa had been directed to the sidelines with Dazai and All Might as Chuuya fought them to get an idea of their strengths and weaknesses.

"ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING ME!"  Bakugou, ever the hothead, blasted towards Chuuya.  As soon as he was in a ten meter radius, Chuuya kicked up the ground and sent it soaring towards Bakugou.  The his all happened in less that 1 second.

"Huh!"  All of class 1-A yelled.

All Might stared in horror as all of the students were taken out.





"Taken you out in your prime." Dazai finished.

"Yeah, Chuuya-San really is incredible, huh?" Atsushi praised.

"I'm just glad he's not a villain..." All Might mutters.

When they got back to the class, Iida asked, "Why did Akutagawa and Atsushi not participate in the mock battle?  How will you judge their strengths and weaknesses?"

"Well, it's simple."  Chuuya answered.  We already know said strengths and weaknesses.  They also would of evened would've evened out the playing field some."  Chuuya mumbled the last part under his breath thinking no one could hear him.  Jirou could.

"What do you mean by saying they would 'even out the playing field?'"

"Well," Dazai said, "I have taught both Atsushi and Akutagawa in the past.  I know they are top notch fighters against anyone, with or without their 'quirks.'"

"Oh!" Midoriya took out his notebook.  "I forgot to ask you four about your quirks!  What are they?  What do they do?  Draw backs?  How did you get them?  When did you get them?  Wh-"

"I can explain for all four of us!" Dazai exclaimed.  "Who do you wanna learn about first!"

"Can we learn about Chuuya-Sensei!  He is so manly!"  Kirishima was excited.

"Ok!  Chibi first!"

"Don't call me Chibi!"

"Aww, but slug, you're just so small!"

"Tch." He left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Do you guys always fight like this?" Iida asked

"Aww.  Yeah, we've fought like this since we were 15"

"You've known each other that long!" Uraraka was surprised.

"Yeah!  Anyway, Chibi' quirk is gravity manipulation!  He can control the gravity of things!"

"That is so OP!" Kaminari shouted.  "You mean there's no condition he has to meet?"

"There used to be, but not anymore.  And yes, he is 'OP'" Dazai bluntly stated.

"Do you think he could give me pointers?" Uraraka asked.

"Maybe," Dazai told her, " Your quirks are only a little similar though, so there is no telling."

"I hope so!  That would be so awesome!" She bounced in her seat.

"Tch. What's your quirk you bandage bastard?!" This came from the classes resident Pomeranian. Shockers.

"Ah, mine is Nullification. I can erase people's quirks. All I have to do is touch them and it's gone for a time."

"So a bit like Aizawa-Sensei?" Mono asked

"A bit"

"I wonder what would happen if you and Aizawa-Sensei used your quirks on each other at the same time? What would happen? Would..."Midoriya mumbled on it as he wrote in his notebook. Thank life he had a good heart. Mori getting him would end in sure disaster.

"Well, moving on to little Akutagawa's quirk!"

"Little...Akutagawa?" Ojiro voiced the confusion that everyone felt. Mina looked over with a questioning gaze.

"Dazai-San gave me that nickname as a joke. He met me and my sister when I was significantly younger, so he has taken a liking to calling me that." Akutagawa explained monotonous.

The class all muttered in understanding, though a few people still seemed a bit confused.

Dazai continued, "Nickname aside!  Akutagawa's quirk is called Rashomon.  I know!  What a weird name!  With Rashomon, he can control his clothing.  You will only really understand it once you see it."

"I guess that makes sense."  Todoroki stated.

"I feel a darkness within him that is much like my own.  I am excited to see how his quirk turns out."  Tokoyami mysteriously said.

"What about Atsushi's quirk?  Kero"  Tsu asked

"Oh!  Atsushi's might be the most interesting."

"Eh!"  You could hear the shock and embarrassment that he got from the statement.  If you looked closely, you could even see the tips of his ears were pink, and his face probably was too, but he had it hidden in his fingerless gloved hands.

"Tch.  Admittedly, Jinko does have a lot of potential."  Akutagawa admitted.

"Eh!"  Atsushi had ears and a tail pop out of nowhere.  The ears and tail showed just how shocked he was as they were straight up. 
"Woah!"   That class wowed.

"You use your quirk of accident sometime!  That is so manly!"  Kirishima expressed.

"Erm...". Atsushi removed his hand from his face to reveal a bright red face.  "'s embarrassing though!" The tiger ears and tail then disappeared.

"Atsushi-kun can become a white tiger!  He actually didn't know about that fact until recently, so he still is just in the beginning of discovering what he can do, and he still has a lot to improve on.  Anyway," Dazai was suddenly serious.  "I don't feel like explaining anymore, so you will have to wait and see our quirks in action when we train to learn any of the mechanics of them."

"O-okay..." The class seemed a little shocked.

Mina raised her hand right as Chuuya came back in, "Dazai-sensei, are you Bi-polar?"

Chuuya laughed at the bluntness while Dazai blanched and, as always, was over dramatic in the background.  "Very perceptive of you Mina."  Chuuya laughed even more. "He hasn't been professionally diagnosed, but yes, we think he is." 

The whole class laughed as Dazai pouted.

Sometimes good moods can easily change to bad.

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