Chapter 5

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Hey minna! Despite all that has been going on I decided I should update, but I'm not sure when the next one will come out. I hope you like this and sorry for any awkwardness or mistakes. It was rushed. Only because I love you all.

I do not own Fairy Tail!

Chapter 5:

Juvia's POV

I woke up not at all remembering what had happened. That is until I found myself in a unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces.

"Hi! Are you feeling better?" A little girl with long dark blue hair asked. She seemed friendly but she made me nervous being so close.

"W-where is Juvia?" I managed to stammer out.

"So Gray was right. Your name is Juvia." A red head smirked. Did she say Gray? Oh that's right. I developed a...and then fought him because I was...Oh rain cloud! Sorry for my foul language.

"G-gray? Y-yes...Juvia's name is Juvia."

"So you like Gray?" My eyes widened and my heart started to beat rapidly at the long white haired girls question. The younger one with shorter hair giggled softly.

"N-no! That's crazy. Juvia has no feelings for Gray-sama. Juvia has a boyfriend."

"Oh really?" The red head cocked her eyebrow.

"Yes really." I said, matter-of-factly.

"What's his name then?" The long white haired asked.

"Juvia only just met you. She doesn't need to share."

"That's because you don't have one." She smirked.

"She is right though Mira. We should introduce ourselves." The red head suggested. I nodded and held out my hand. Sitting on the couch.

"I'm Juvia." They all shook my hand one by one, introducing their names when they did.





"Juvia's happy to meet all of you." I suddenly frown, remembering what Gray had told me.

"What's wrong Juvia?" Mira asked.

"Juvia just remembered something. Gray-sama told Juvia that Phantom Lord was demolished."

"Yeah that's true. By the order of the Magic Board of Ed. we were ordered take them down. To be honest we would of done it no matter what the MBE (Magic Board of Ed.) said."


"You said that was supposed to be your school?"

"Yes." I nod. "It's the only school that would except Juvia.

"Not true! You just didn't look hard enough." Wendy smiled brightly.

"Indeed. We'll be happy to have you!" Lisanna agreed.

"We do have extra apartments." Erza shrugged.

"They're really dormitories, but we just call them apartments." Mira added.

"Why are you being so nice to Juvia?"

"Because that's how Fairy Tail roles." Mira pumped her hand in the air in the sago of a one and the girls smiled. "Plus I'm sure Principle Makarov wouldn't mind."

"Th-thanks." I managed a smile. "Juvia can't wait to be friends with you all. You're so nice to Juvia even though she's a rain woman. Everyone thinks Juvia's rain is gloomy."

Once On This High School: A NaLu, GrUvia, JeRza, GaLe: Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now