Chapter Two: Small but Deadly

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Casey bent down and picked up the dragon, it just chilled and curled into her chest. "This doesn't seem like something dangerous to me."

"Don't be fooled by its cute looks, the smaller the dragon, the more dangerous they are, see," Lord Godly said, holding out a chart. It showed a giant dragon to a tiny dragon about the size of the one Casey was holding with a danger scale beside them. "The small breeds are known to be the most ferocious. Put it down before it bites you."

The dragon licked Casey's hand.

"Ah! See it is tasting you!" Sir Godly pulled out a sword. "Unhand the beast so that I might smite it before it eats us all!"

"Do you know the definition of chill, man? It's just a tiny dragon, what's it going to do?" Jack asked, reaching over to pet the dragon.

The dragon did not look happy. It chomped his hand with a loud crunch. Jack cried out and jerked backwards.

Blood dripped from a circular bite mark. "Little demon!"

"If you think that bite hurts you should meet an actual demon. . ." Sir Godly stepped forward and swung his sword in and out. "Unless you want to be bitten like your cowardly friend, I suggest putting the dragon down."

"But it likes me." Casey allowed it to climb onto her shoulder. The extra skin around its head flapped as it hissed at Sir Godly. "It just doesn't like you or Jack."

Sir Godly shook his head. "Dragon's don't really like anyone. It's just tolerating you because you are protecting it."

"I don't feel so good," Jack said, swaying and catching himself on a tree.

The shiny man paled. "Let me see that bite mark." When he grabbed Jack's hand, the area around the bite had started to change color to green and purple. "That's not good. We need to get you to a healer."

Jack collapsed.

Throwing his arms up, Sir Godly grabbed Jack and threw him over his shoulder. "This is why we don't play with dragons! It's like you have no common sense miss—"


"Maybe your title should be Casey the Fool. Now put the dragon down before it bites someone else," Sir Godly grumbled as he trudged forward through the forest.

With a sigh, Casey set the dragon back down. "It wasn't very nice of you to bite my friend. I suppose this is where we part ways little dragon." She patted the dragon's head and started to follow after Sir Godly.

The dragon followed after her.

"No! Stay away!" Casey cried, throwing a pebble at it.

Catching the pebble, the dragon brought it back to her feet and dropped it. The purple and green scales it hosted sparkled in the sun like a sun catcher. It wagged its thick tail.

She threw the pebble again and it brought it back.

"Fine, I guess you can come with me, but no more biting people, it's rude," Casey said, picking up the dragon and letting it wander onto her shoulders.

Sir Godly glanced back and grumbled about girls and their dragons.

The forest got thicker the further they went into it, until Sir Godly was forced to use his sword to clear the brush in order for them to keep walking. The tops of small buildings came into sight.

Casey caught up to the shiny man. "I thought you didn't know where we were since you lost your map. How did you know to go here?"

"Because a knight has a sense for these things," he declared, puffing out his chest. "And I saw a sign a few trees ago that pointed this way. It's a fairy village. Walk carefully, you don't want to step on anyone."

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