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Katherines POV:

After I got home from school I just wanted to lay down and cry. My parents had yelled at me for slamming the door but I had just ignored them and bolted upstairs to my room where I could just be alone. I was an only child and my parents hated the thought of having pets so I was always alone with the only person I could talk to being my stuffed animals, and Mangrove- I mean Shubble, but I was terrified about talking to shubble right now so I guess Mr Snuggles the sheep would have to do for now.

"Hey Mr Snuggles... I really blew it with Shubble today. Usually I would be ranting about how stupid or annoying she is but now I don't even want to think about those times... she didn't deserve what I did to her and she's so sweet and cute and innocent. Wait. Did I say cute? No no I can't have a crush on Shubble of all people! She probably hates me or worse.. is scared of me. I want to apologize so bad but when I tried to today I couldn't speak. Her beautiful eyes were full of anger and fear and...  I'm such a terrible person... what should I do Mr snuggles" to which I got no response because Mr Snuggles is a sheep plushie. I sighed and pulled out my notebook from the drawer under my nightstand. Okay, I'm gonna write out a plan on how to apologize to shubble and I will not give up until I finish it. I meant to reach for a pencil but I instead felt myself reaching for my phone and messaging MangroveWitch on discord.

Hi how are you doing? How was school today?

Oh my god why did I message her that is like the last thing I meant to do. Suddenly her response popped up on the screen

My bully was a jerk again as usual but my cousins are staying at my house for the next couple of months and they will be coming to the same school with me!

Cousins? Hey maybe I can ask them for help! Wait she thinks I was rude to her today on purpose? Oh my god okay don't panic maybe someone else is bullying her and I can be like a hero and save the day!

What did they do today?

Her response took a while prompting me to become more and more nervous every second. I'm so sorry Shubble!

She convinced another person to pour spoiled milk down my back while they distracted me. And they threw a dead frog at me on purpose which was terrifying because I live in a mangrove and my only friends are frogs and seeing one of my closest friends dead was... it was weird though because on the bus they seemed so... sincere? Sorry? But it was probably just part of their stupid prank..

I wanted to cry as I read her response. I felt so terrible. I caused this. I managed to cause her pain when I meant to apologize... that stupid kid in the pirate eyepatch ruined it and now she thinks I'm the worst! I think his name was Joey but all I know is I'm gonna kick his butt when I get back to school tommorow! Oh my god the frog thing as-well I swear I just tripped that's what I get for not sleeping shubble you don't deserve this im so freaking sorry... wait... tommorow after school I might be able to take my bike and follow the school bus because it's really slow and I'm one of the last people off besides shubble who is the last one off. Then I can go and apologize at her house! This is great! Oh wait I need to respond to her or she's gonna think I'm ignoring her!

Hey Shubble, don't be sad. It will be better soon, I promise.

How do you know my name?

You will know soon I promise.

I watched as the little symbol beside her profile picture went grey to show she was offline before getting to work on plan Apologize to Shubble!

After about 4 hours I had finally completed my plan with about 7 back up plans because knowing me and my terrible luck I'm somehow gonna make it worse. I don't even know if  7 was enough back up plans but they were all I had and I was starting to get a headache after starting at a screen for so long. I snuck out into the kitchen to grab a quick snack as I hadn't eaten very much today and then made my way back to my room to get some sleep. Tommorow should be rather eventful.

Sorry for the short chapter but be warned the next one might take 2-3 days to write as it's gonna be SUPER eventful with lots of drama. Also pesky birb Grian!
Thank you so much to all my readers, I am almost at 500 reads already which is super great considering it's my first book :D


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