Hopelessly Devoted (To You)

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Summary: The fallout after the night of the Rave'n leaves Larissa sluggish and unable to get out of bed. Morticia just wants to see her roommate happy, and so she plans for a night together in the hopes of cheering her up...

A/N: A summary for anyone who skipped the last chapter: at the Rave'n, a shapeshifter friend of Samuel's called Reece tried to kiss Larissa and she accidentally comes out to him when he's taking on the form of Samuel. He gets angry and outs Larissa, Samuel and Morticia to everyone at the dance, and Samuel and Reece have a fight in the middle of the dance floor.

TW: quotes from the last chapter using homophobic language.

Everywhere she went, Morticia could feel all eyes on her.

It was two days after the night of the Rave'n, when Larissa had run back to their dorm after that bastard Reece outed her and Morticia to the entire school. She hadn't left their dorm room since, not even when Monday had rolled around and she was supposed to attend classes. But Larissa had stayed silent and stoic in her bed, barely able to answer any of the questions Morticia asked her the night after.

Samuel had fortunately not been suspended, but he was barred from any extracurriculars or leaving the campus for a week. As well as that, he was also sporting a nasty black eye, and Reece - the spoiled little rich boy that he is - got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist. People went back to their normal lives afterward, even if they were acting a little different now.

Some gave them looks. Some laughed under their breath. Some even had the gall to point at Morticia.

One girl had taken it too far, calling her a whore right to her face, and Morticia had been slapped with a lunchtime detention after dragging her into the school fountain by her ponytail.

But she wasn't alone, thankfully. Samuel and Gomez, being the absolute gentlemen they are, hung around with Morticia, as a form of support but also because they were becoming good friends with all the time they'd spent together.

It was right after sixth period ended when all three of them were walking along the path past the greenhouse.

"How's Larissa doing?" Samuel asked. "I'd come up and check myself but the teachers are watching me like a hawk now."

She sighed. "She hasn't gone to any of her classes today. I honestly don't know what to do, she's afraid to leave the room because she thinks her parents somehow found out."

"The school can't do that, can they?" Gomez asked, confused.

"I'm not sure. But I need to get Larissa out of our room at some point or Principal McCavern will call her parents. What should I do?"

"You need to find a way to cheer her up somehow. Tell her you've planned something in Jericho, or get her a gift?" Samuel suggested.

"I don't know, Larissa isn't really-"

"I've got it!" Gomez gasped, clapping his hands almost victoriously. "Why don't we recreate that thing you did for me right before Summer break?"

"Yes! That's a great idea!" Samuel nodded.

Morticia watched them both getting excited, and they turned to her before realising she had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.

"Oh right, you don't know. So, here's the plan..."



That was the best way Larissa could describe what she was feeling. Buried underneath her blankets and staring up at the drab ceiling, Larissa lay and relived the night of the Rave'n over in her head.

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