Teenage Reuinion

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"Hatsume-kun, you have the same Quirk as Mei-san?" Izuku asks. The green-haired girl was curious about what the other Hatsume's Quirk was. She was surprised when he answered that he has the same quirk as Mei. It's uncommon but rare for cousins to share a quirk since they always are inherited from one of their parents or their Quirks are mixed together.

Tetsuo nodded his head. He never met someone he was interested in his quirk before, much less a pretty girl.

"Both my mom and uncle share the quirk Zoom. Our grandmother had it and she was the first one in her family to ever have a quirk," Tetsuo said as he fixes his glasses.

"It's true! Grandma first found out about it when she was in her second year in high school. She accidentally saw a teacher and student making out when she looked up at the fifth-floor. It was a sunny day and they actually thought no one would see them. Guess it never cross their minds that someone might have a Quirk that could see from a few kilometers away," Mei said as she appears just behind Izuku, leaning too close to the other girl, much to the latter's discomfort.

"Mei, I've told you to stop getting too close to other people's personal space!" Tetsuo said as a red vein appears on his forehead while he got Mei off of Izuku.

"Sorry about that, Midoriya-san. My cousin hasn't bothered to learn that some people hate having their personal space invaded," Tetsuo said as he held his cousin in place.

"N... no it's fine, Hatsume-kun. I don't mind much," Izuku said as waved her hands.

The party had ended a few minutes ago but the students had stayed to clean up the party. Inko has told that it was fine and that she'll clean it since it was late and didn't want them to go out this late at night. Of course, the boys said that they could handle the night and they wanted to repay her for letting them have their party at her house. Izuku had invited her female friends to a sleepover for the night a week ago since she always to have a sleepover. It wasn't long until the house was clean.

"Thank you so much for allowing us in your humble home, Midoriya-san," Tenya said as he bows to Inko who was blushing at his mannerisms.

"It was a pleasure to have you all here. Thank you for coming. It was wonderful to have my Izuku's friends here," Inko said as she could feel tears ready to come out from her eyeballs, causing to Sakura sigh while Nemuri smile.

"It was an honor to met Izuku-san's family," Shoto said as he bows as well to the Midoriya family.

"It was no problem. It was nice to meet the students from Izuku's school," Enko said as she walks over to Shoto. Tipping toeing to him, she pulled him down to whisper something in his ear.

"Don't ever think about dating my cousin," Enko whisper to Shoto seriously before letting him go.

Shoto knew the younger green-haired girl was being very serious about this. He had strong romantic feelings for Izuku Midoriya since she helped him after the Sports Festival in their first year at U.A. The young boy knew if he wanted to date Izuku, he needed to the approver of her family first. Izuku mother, Inko, already seems to be very nice while the rest of her family won't be easy.

Just before Shoto could even say anything, a knock on the front door was heard, confusing everyone, except Katsuki.

"Won't you expecting someone else, honey?" Inko asks her daughter who shook her head in no.

"No, Mom. Everyone's here," Izuku said. She wonders who could it be this time. She didn't invite anyone else from school. Just who could this be?

"I go get it," Izuku said as she walks over towards the door. The green-haired girl had her guard up since anything could happen. Slowly opening the door, Izuku held her breath as she was ready to see who it was on the other side of the door of her house. But she was expecting just who they are.

"WHAT'S UP, MY LITTLE LISTENERS?!" Present Mic cried as he burst inside. Behind him were the other male teachers.

Izuku and the other students were now extremely confused. Why were their teachers even doing here? However, Denki, Hanta, and Eijiro knew why they were here. They kind of felt bad for Mei's poor cousin who had no idea that he choose to talk to the wrong girl.

"Senseis, why are you all here in my house?" Izuku asks in surprise.

"We just heard you guys were throwing a party and you didn't invite us, little listener," Present Mic said as he places his arm around his tiny student.

"We actually just came here to make sure you all are safe," Eraser Head said as he uses his scarf on Present Mic to pull him away from Izuku.

"We were just fine. The party is over anyway, Sensei. We're just cleaning up, ribbit," Tsuyu said.

Izuku was a little confused to see her teachers were here at her house. They were supposed to be hero duty tonight. They surely have better things to do than coming here to worry about. There're other people more important than her.

"And what exactly are you boys doing here?" Nemuri said as she appears behind Izuku before placing the young girl behind her.

"We heard the students were having a party and we are making sure no villains were coming here, Midnight," Nezu said as he enters the house.

Nemuri outright knew there's a real reason they're here. Tetsuo Hatsume will become a man to even look at these men. The poor guy.

"Izuku, who's at the door at this time?" Inko asks when she walks over to see who were their guests. However, she was surprised to see familiar faces from her past.

"You guys?" Inko said. It has been years since she saw them.

"Inko?!" All the male teachers cried, except All Might, Eraser Head, and Nezu.

Izuku was confused to see her mother seem to know all her teachers. Did Inko personally know every Pro Hero in the county? Izuku looks at her teachers who all blushing upon seeing her mother. Even the most serious ones. Just what was happening here? The green-haired girl felt this was going to become the weirdest night of her entire life.

"Mom, what's going on?" Izuku asks Inko.

"Izuku, I use to know your teachers and principal when I was in high school," Inko said.

"WHAT?!" All the kids said loudly.

Tetsuo felt this was getting personal and grabbed Mei. The two cousins were confused to hear that their teacher Power Loader knew Izuku's mother.

"Thank you for inviting us, Midoriya-san. See you later," Tetsuo said as he and Mei walking out of the house quickly.

However, Denki and Hanta both end up laughing on the floor. This was kind of funny. Just wait until school starts back on, they definitely are going to tell every student at U.A. This was the best day of their lives. This is way better than when Izuku's dad stories came out to the whole school. Of course, Kyoka had hit them on the head, leaving bumps on them.

Izuku was blushing madly. She almost looks like a strawberry. She didn't want to think just what kind of relationship did her mother had with her teachers who she already saw as her father figures. Dear, God! Why was this happing to her? She quickly remembers someone. Turning around to see Shoto having that look she all knew too well.

"Shoto-kun! NOOOO!" Izuku cried out.

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