Sakura Midoriya

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Izuku giggles while her father lifted her into the air. Daddy got home today and he plays with her as long she likes. Daddy had taken her to the park to spend time with her after being gone for so long now. He buys her ice cream and candy. Daddy was very nice. He always buys her nice things to make up for lost time.

Mommy was visiting Grandpa at the place where people go when they get sick and really hurt. She left Izuku in the care of a neighbor. But Daddy had come and said he'll take her to the park to spend time with his Bunny Princess. Izuku happily ran into his arms and hugged her daddy. However, the neighbor was on the floor while she looks like she was taking a nap.

Daddy told her that the neighbor who was taking care of her had fallen asleep. Izuku didn't want to wake up the neighbor since she looks like she was deeply asleep on the floor when she came into the room when Daddy had just entered.

"Daddy, I'm tired. When are we going home?" Baby Izuku said tiredly. She missed her naptime an hour ago and she was getting sleepy.

"Baby, we're going to a new home. It's not as nice as the old one, but it still something. Daddy promise to give you a new princess doll after we get used to it," Hisashi said. He had a nervous look on his face while he tries to cover it with a smile.

"Will Mommy meet us there?" Izuku asks while she rubbed her adorable eyes.

Daddy didn't answer her. Seeing she was getting tried, Daddy took her to his car and placed her in a car seat, and buckled her in. Little Izuku fell asleep after that while Daddy turns on the car and left the park.

Izuku gasp as she breathed hard. Again. It happened again. She dreamt of her missing father. The man she hasn't seen when she was only three years old. She knows nothing about him other than his Quirk has him breathing fire and his hair is black and curly.

The green-haired felt tears were about to come out of her beautiful eyes. But Izuku didn't want to cry when all her female friends were sleeping in her room with her. So, she wiped her watery eyes and try to think why was she having dreams of her father all of sudden. She remembered his voice but she couldn't remember his face since her dreams have his hair covered his eyes.

Looking at her clock, Izuku knew it was late. Her teachers must have gone back to work now. She couldn't help but smile. While her birth father must've gone out of her life for thirteen years, her teachers did what they could to support her and her dreams of becoming a Pro Hero, especially All Might.

Seeing her friends were all still asleep, Izuku felt thirsty. Guess all that would-be-crying made her wanted to have something to drink. Seeing Hachiko was getting on her bed to comfort her as always, Izuku hugged her precious dog.

"Hachi-chan, please stay here and watch my friends for me?" Izuku asks him.

Hachiko seemed to understand her and stayed with the other girls in the room. They were very nice Izuku and didn't make fun of her like the other girls at her old schools.

Izuku quietly walk out of her room and headed downstairs to get water. She figures that her uncle and grandfather would be home any minute now. It was nice to have her friends hanging out here at her house for once. No one really wanted to hang out at her house just for wanting to hang out with her ever since she could remember. They actually wanted to see her big house and try to see if she had anything really cool and awesome to play.

As she reaches the bottom of the stairs, Izuku notices the light in the living room was still on. She slowly walks towards the living room and wonders why it still on. Her uncle, Hinata, hated wasting the electric bill like this. Knowing her uncle most likely had a long day at work, Izuku decided to turn off the light before he gets home.

However, before she could even get close, the green-haired heard very familiar voices. They belong to her teachers. She could feel her heart stopped a few beats while she questions herself on why they were still here at her house. Her aunt, Sakura, was talking to them. She slowly took a peek while making sure no one spotted her. Izuku saw Sakura was sitting on the couch while the latter look at the U.A. teachers with seriousness.

"It's not my place to tell you all this, but Izuku looks up to you all," Sakura said.

Izuku felt her face was getting redder when her aunt had told her teachers this. Why was her aunt doing this to her?

"Young Midoriya has always been happy to meet every day since she started at U.A. and she's getting stronger almost every day," All Might said proudly.

"Yes, I notice you have a very close relationship with my niece, All Might. I just want to understand why you all suddenly showed up at my house. And since you know my sister-in-law, I actually thought you all trying to use Izuku as a way to get close to her mother. But given the reactions, I now know you all haven't seen her in years already. My husband doesn't trust any of you, and neither do I. I don't need to remind you all that Izuku has been getting hurt ever since she went to your school and her mother has been so worried about her, the poor woman has been getting anxious. If those villains manage to hurt Izuku or any of those kids so worst as the last time or killed them... There's no Quirk in this damn world that will save from me," Sakura said with a very clear tone of seriousness.

Even though she was hiding, Izuku could tell her teachers were getting scared of her aunt. However, her aunt was nothing compared to her mother. Even when other people thought her aunt and uncle were already scaring, they have never seen her mother, Inko, when her buttons are pushed.

Just then, the door had open to reveal that Hinata Midoriya had returned with his father Kazuki Midoriya. Hinata took off his coat and hat when he notices the male heroes in his house. Midnight had already left and told her co-works to be careful when they meet Inko's brother when he comes home if they were still here. Snipe had told them they already met Hinata back in their teens. After that talk, Midnight left with Minoru being tied up who was banned from the Midoriya household by Sakura.

"What are all these men doing here in my house?" Hinata asks sternly. However, he already knew who they are anyway since his little sister knew them in her teen years.

"Hinata-kun! Don't you remember us? We used to hang out with your cute baby sister, Inko," Present Mic said as he hugged Hinata like they were old friends.

"Yes. I remember you, Hizashi," Hinata said annoyed.

Izuku mentally slapped herself for not thinking that since her mother knew her hero teachers when she was in high school, her uncle, Hinata, would have met them as well. Although by the looks of it, Hinata didn't really look like he was happy to see them again after all these years.

"My, if it isn't the boys who were training to become heroes and were close to my daughter, Inko," Kazuki said as he looks over the male staff members of U.A.

"It was has been too long, Midoriya-san. How are you doing, sir?" Nezu asks in a respectful tone.

Izuku soon felt this was going to be something between the adults in her life. She quickly left before any of the adults notice her. She didn't need to be nosy when the adults talk to each other. Hearing the talk between her aunt and teachers had made Izuku no longer thirsty for water anymore. Quickly getting into her bed while Hachiko waited for her to come back, Izuku held him close to her and close her eyes to fall asleep again. Trying to have a different dream than the one she had earlier.

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