The End of War

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 On November 1, 1918, James awoke as he did for over the past four years. he was Worn out but had to keep fighting. Not long now, Amity said. "Yeah, I bloody hope so" James was hoping the war would be over soon so he could get back to his nice little branch line. but the last ten days would be an experience that would leave a giant impact on The Engines, the staff, and worldwide. Enemy aircraft kept pushing meaning Air-raids were more common. to all, it was an annoyance. James and the Others wanted it to stop. but didn't know when. James was arranging wagons for his next ammunition train when he spotted a small Saddle Tank shunting a line of Wagons that went for Geoffrey.  "Hello" James called out. "The Engine Jumped". "Bloody Hell," She said you frightened me to death then. "my bad" Apologized James. "I was just saying hello" "maybe try coming up to me next time," she said. "Anyways," said James, what's yours? "Caitlin" the Saddle Tank replied. Nice to meet you, Caitlyn. James said cheerily. and both happily chatted way while Caitlin's crew when on break. a few minutes went by when the dreaded wailing of the Air-raid Sirens began. Caitlin began to panic her crew was still on their lunch break. James acted fast and buffered down onto Caitlin as he dragged her and the wagons still coupled to her. James Was determined to escape. His Wheel turning faster. lonely cottages, bridges, and stations when by in a blur as the two Engines rocketed down the line. James passed through trenches the common site of dead soldiers was common, there sitting on the line was Sargent Peter waiting for his Train to be unloaded before going back to fetch more. James called out to him. "run for your damn life" as the last van cleared Sargent Peter. both James and Caitlin's metaphorical Hearts Sank as they heard an Ear piercing explosion. but James didn't stop he just kept going not stopping for nothing. "come on Caitlin We got to get out of here". He Spotted Sentry's guarding the entrance of a tunnel. He plowed through it and didn't even stop for that, as the armed men started Shooting at the spitfire as it retreated. James didn't stop until he reached the safety of the yards he and Caitlin where just in earlier that day. "Jesus Christ never again" panted James. "Never" Caitlin Replied. James uncoupled from Caitlyn and went to the Water Tower to top up. As Amity and Geoffrey Puffed up beside Him. "I thought they got you, James". Amity said with worry. Yeah well I'm not going down without a fight" James Replied Smugly. "Who's your new Friend" Amity said" That's Caitlin She's nice. "well James" Geoffrey Smiled" I can put in a good word for you so that you can get promoted. "I would like that". anyways James You earned yourself a rest. Go rest up. James did and the next day got back to work. The next nine days were mostly uneventful besides the occasional air-raid things went smoothly. the day came on Nov 11 1918 when World war 1 Ended. It was Time for the engines to go back to there respective railways. The Engines said there goodbyes, Bye James Amity said. "it was fun talking to you". " you too Amity". James replied. Next was Caitlin's turn. "bye James "thanks for saving me, I won't forget you. Neither will I said James. Lastly it was Geoffrey's Turn to say goodbye. "James" you proved to me that you are the most bravest one out of all of us." I will now start looking up to you. for your bravery. "goodbye Sargent James" and just like that they all went back to their respective Railways. Geoffrey and Caitlin went to Sodor, James back to his branch and Amity to the Great Western.  James was sad to see His friends go but he know deep down inside his Boiler that he would see them again one day. James Continued to work on the the branch until it closed in 1925 and then got sold to Sodor. were he was reunited with Geoffrey and Caitlyn. the three was inspirable then in 1964. Sir Topham Hatt bought Amity and now the 4 of them Are as happy as can be. though. James often feels a cold presents around him from time to time but shrugs it off to the wind. I must not say no more otherwise I will Spoil the next story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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