Drafted To War

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Now James wasn't always Red. before coming to Sodor in 1925 he was painted Black with Red Lining and his giant brass dome. He worked on a small branch line between Lancaster and Yorkshire from 1912 up to 27th July 1914 then the day after on July 28th the dreaded news came in. World War 1 had Started. The manager walked up to James. "James" you have been assigned to help the war effort. "There is no fighting old boy let's just get it over with." said his driver. "  He Travelled to London. Soon he was pulling trains longer and heavier than what he was used to. "bloody hell James said" I'm not used to this. "get used to this" game a snotty reply. Oh god, it's Sargent  Peter groaned one of the engine  Engines. What's your name Sargent Peter below, "It's James" James retorted with even more snottiness. "how bloody dare you sass your superior like that. if it were up to me I would have putten you in the front line you hear. the Atlantic bellowed. James was about to give a snarly comment along the lines of "yeah I would have done the same bloody thing if I was in your shoes" when a Grimy dusty worn-out Great Western 4300 pulled up beside him. To James, it looked like the Engine hadn't had a good night's rest in over a month. leave him be She said. "it's about time you get back to the front lines Private" Sargent better argued." a sharp reply came from the 4300, "PISS OFF AND LET HIM BE". "fine," Sargent Peter said you wasted my time when I could be lecturing James here on his laziness. "maybe he isn't used to hard work yet. The engine replied this time sounding a lot calmer. well anyway got a supplies training due in 5 minutes gotta do something through this blasted War. and Sargent Peter Left in a huff. "Tosser," the 4300 said under her breath. She turned her attention to James. Don't mind him James She soothed. he's a right old grouch. oh, btw I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Amity. nice to meet you. "likewise James said" I see you are from The Lancaster and Yorkshire Railway. Yeah, and you are from the Great Western. Amity laughed. you're good She replied. there is a supplies Train heading out in an hour. Me and Commander Geoffrey Can take it by ourselves. "who is Commander Geoffrey?" James asked. "Commander Geoffrey is a Robinson 04 from he Great Northern Railway. he earned his Commander rank due to him being so brave. Hell he takes more train in a week then 10 Engines does in a month". " I do look up to him" Amity Said. yeah I would too. " I like you James, your funny and smart" I can say the same for you James replied. Amity laughed. Thanks James. anyways lets go introduce you to Geoffrey. I must warned you, she said. he will snap at you if you say something wrong, so you might want to watch what you say. noted said James. Amity and James puffed up to a even grimmer and Dustier then Amity was, his black coat was thick with coal dust and soot. Hey Geoff Amity Said this is James. Hey kid Geoffrey said not sounding amused. He will be helping us with this lot. Geoffrey laughed "HAAAA HAAAA HAA" that kid can't even move 7 boogie coaches let alone a whole entire train like the one behind me. YES I can James said Indignantly. Prove it Geoffrey said while Smirking. Geoffrey uncoupled from the train and James backed down.  " you don't have to do this James his driver said with concern in his tone. " I will give it a bloody good shot" said replied with confidence. his driver slowly opened his regulator and James crept forward The Train moving slowly following behind him Geoffrey was Surprised but Amity cheered him on. "GO JAMES" She Yelled. A dreaded noise could be heard around them a buzzing noise. and then the air-raid siren started blaring. James Who heard it shot forward moving the heavily Train out of the siding. James when as fast as he could in a desperate attempt of escaping  enemy air craft the when faster and faster not even thinking of slowing down. HE Had to NO HE MUST escape. At last in the distance he saw a tunnel. He ploughed inside slamming his brakes hard on. the spark flew from his wheels as he stopped just before the exit of the tunnel. The Enemy air-craft flew by. James panted He was out of breath but he was alive and so was his crew. "James I told you not to take the train alone" we could have died" but we haven't James said "your right Come on lets head back" The driver Pulled the reverser and James crept back to the yard. When he got back he could only laugh Sargent Peter who just back from delivering the first Shipment of Ammunition was now laying in a muddy ditch at the end of the yards. Geoffrey Winked at James. James Smiled. That night The three Friends where sitting in the sheds Eazing there acting joints. Sargent Peter won't mess with you now Geoffrey, Amity laughed Geoffrey laughed I know right Served him right. Now then best be heading to sleep, got another busy day tomorrow. and soon Geoffrey and Amity were fast asleep but James said up pondering "what would become of my and my friends after the war" Even if I see then alive after it. Eventually he too fell asleep unsure that the future may hold.

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