Chapter 1: The Arrival

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To our universe, Shiro Kiyama would be an oddity. An anomaly. Whatever you'd like to say about him, he wouldn't be seen as normal. The blue hair and orange eyes would stand out amongst our society. At first people would believe he was a cosplayer until it got to the point where they realised that the hair was a little too real and the colour of his eyes were naturally orange. Fortunately for Shiro he was not from our universe but was instead in a more unique, fantasy universe that we could only dream of and a universe where he was considered not the least bit weird.

The universe that Shiro lived in, while wonderous and exciting, was also dangerous. This is Shiro's story through his universe's society. Maybe you'll enjoy. I hope you do at least.

Shiro fell asleep in America but woke up in Japan. The reason for this? An aeroplane (who'd have thought!). His trip from America was not for leisure or even business. No. It was for an escape. How the staff at the airport and on the plane never questioned the 15 year old travelling alone was genuinely a miracle. He didn't really think he'd have got this far but obviously security was lacking because of the raids all across the country on the group's bases.

It had been a long few days for most of the people in America. The heroes and police were working around the clock to check in all of the people they'd arrested from the Stratosphere bases hence how security was loosened. It had been a long few days for Shiro as well. He had spent those days since the email, that he'd paid to be anonymously sent out across the country, preparing, planning and being slightly paranoid. He had packed his bags and, two days after the email was received and everything was in place, his waiting came to an end. The day of the raids came as quickly as he'd expected. The authorities could not waste time, idling themselves while in possession of such vast amounts of information would have been foolish so it only took them a few days.

He'd been set to have guard duty on the day of the raids so when he received the message from his... contact he knew this was the right time to leave. He left his bags in a locker at the station nearest to the base he was trapped in and set about his day as normal. The clock hit 2pm as the attack hit their location. Beneath the city and in the sewers the heroes surged through the tunnels, hunting down the villains of the Stratosphere. This had been his chance and by god did he take it.

He sprinted through the sewer tunnels, throwing himself around corners until he felt he was far enough away not to get caught by either side. He kept walking forward. He knew the paths down here and he knew how the crossroads of the sewers would confuse anyone who didn't grow up running through them.

He walked towards a crossroad, pausing just in time to avoid the heroes who were speeding down the tunnel at a breakneck pace. Too fast to stop or see him. That was close. They were heading further towards their main base but that wasn't his problem anymore. None of it was. His only goal, as of now, was to leave this damned place far in the dust and to never go back again.

During his trip through the sewers to the station, he only had one other close encounter with the law. He had been walking down yet another tunnel (honestly, these tunnels went on forever) when a group of three turned the corner. Using his obvious quick thinking, Shiro decided the best place to hide would be in the sewage. After all, it didn't matter which side they were on, he just had to avoid them. The water was lukewarm, somewhere between warm and cold, and it was lumpy. He didn't want to think about wha could be in there as he ducked under the liquid, hiding himself far beneath the surface. The group carried in walking. A few bubbles popped to the surface, catching the attention of one of the men in the group. A man by the name of Luca Monroe, a low ranking police officer. He paused his walking as the other two continued ahead, taking his time to stare deep into the sludgy liquid. For a second he thought he saw a shadow move beneath the surface until the people he'd been walking with called his name. Snapping out of his trance, he jogged up to the others and pushed away the memories of what he could've seen. The trio left the tunnel. Alive and talking.

30 seconds later Shiro pulled himself out of the sludge. Shaking himself like a dog, trying to remove any sign of the liquid and to get rid of the feeling of it on his skin. He picked a piece of something off of his hair and chucked it into the liquid. He continued walking. He'd have to take a shower before he left or he would attract way too much attention from the sewer smell.

Behind him, floating somewhere in that same liquid lay a mask in the shape of a skull. A notable feature of the villain known as Miscreade. His way of staying anonymous. The only amnities he was allowed during his time period as a Stratospheric. He had been lucky not to have been unmasked by anyone within the last 5 years. Now he left it all behind him. He had never wanted to be that person and they had known that. He needed time to think and time to heal. He reached the station, unlocked the locker, grabbed his stuff and hopped into the nearest public shower. Then he was on the plane out of his past. Straight towards a new dawn. Back to Japan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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