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The Collector sighed as this predicament was not what he had in mind. Watching two people in an argument. An argument that mimicked sibling rivalry. They were supposed to be the heroes of Paris, not this. Whatever this was. Something was wrong. "Trouble in paradise?" He muttered as his thoughts were shuffled about. To focus on the present? The future? Or the past?

Ladybug looked up at him, his eyes not the gray of a cloudy day instead a red. A vibrant red. A red that she had only seen used for STOP signs. A sign that she should've kept her lips closed but guilt set in. She lowered her voice hoping that neither man would hear. "If I had only walked away the first time." A sentence whispered to clear her conscience.

The Collector raised an eyebrow. He heard her but he couldn't deduce what she meant. 'Does she regret being Ladybug? Or is that the reason why the two are not getting along?'

He wanted both reasons to be true. It would make achieving his goal so much easier. 'Bring her back.' A goal that he got sidetracked from. Because he couldn't let the opportunity of having HER pass by. He had thought once would be enough but he was wrong. He wanted to leave but wanted her to stay. It was true what they said, "Misery loves company."

"Ummm…Excuse me." Ladybug attempted to reach the end of the yo-yo that was on the back of The Collector. She could feel it with her fingertips. All she had to do was press the middle spot and it would loosen right up. "Almost there…"

When Felix donned the Miraculous he was a different person due to his Kwamis influence. Dysfunctional, impulsive, flirtatious, impatient person who more often than not chose the wrong decision.

And today was no different.

ChatNoir quickly pressed the release button as his teasing had backfired. He had unintentionally cursed his eyes with the visual of Ladybug pressing her body up against his father. He had originally thought it would be hilarious as he expected The Collector to complain and be bothered by the lack of personal space. However, he just stood there without a fuss. As if he was a winded up toy that lost its power.

"Really…" Ladybug glared intensely at partner as she grabbed her yo-yo, retracting the string.

"Sorry, M'Lady." ChatNoir scratched the back of his head not knowing how to delete the imagery that he now possessed of her matching the shade of her costume, nervously biting her bottom lip as she pressed her chest up against the villain. He shivered trying to shake it off as he knew that he would be over the moon if she acted like that when they had their mishaps. But now something so sweet would leave a sour taste.

"Collector?" Ladybug asked as she waved her hand in front of his face. She then recalled how villains would pause and listen to Monarch and assumed this was another instance. "Monarch! If you can hear me, leave Gabriel Agreste alone. He messes up enough on his own and he doesn't need your help!"

The Collector resisted the urge to let out a chuckle. She wasn't wrong, he did mess up enough as Gabriel Agreste and wanted to break that cycle. Everytime he tried it seemed the world was out to get him. 'SHE refused. So, why? Why can't I get past HER? Bring her back or bring HER back?' One felt more tangible than the other. To choose one over the other. His mind was at a slatemate.

Ladybug was so close, his goal within reach; an attainable goal. He could subdue her and exchange her safety for the Cat Miraculous as he was well aware that ChatNoir wasn't a hero because he felt obligated to, he did it because he wanted to woo his Lady. A cause that he understood too well. He had no doubt that ChatNoir would cave in when he threatened to hurt her. To save Paris? Or save his Lady? He would always choose her. Loyalty is his greatest weakness.

The Collector could not act on his plans as his body refused to listen. 'Why can't I move? Something must have gone awry. Could it be that the Akuma can't function properly? Or am I the problem?' He questioned as he knew that wearing all the Miraculouses could wear out the holder. 'Perhaps, this is a symptom?'

Ladybug waited a moment for a reaction. "Nothing?" No hand gestures or expressions, just blank.

ChatNoir poked The Collector a few times before stealing his red tinted glasses. He tried them on as it was not everyday a villain just stopped working. "Do I look good in these?"

Ladybug rolled her eyes be she walked around The Collector evaluating everything. "ChatNoir, this isn't normal. It's like he's frozen."

ChatNoir shrugged as he was unbothered by this. He could goof off and not have any repercussions. No civilians were going to be endangered by a still portrait of what once was. The best part was he got to spend time without anyone barking orders at him and there wasn't a time restriction. He could just be.

Ladybug yelled her signature catchphrase hoping that her Lucky Charm held the answers. She immediately regretted it as she held the small item in her hand.

"What did you get?" ChatNoir asked curiously as Ladybug had hid it behind her back. Ladybug often got random objects during their battles. She had gotten a car, a mirror, a bike lock, a cardboard box, a toy mouse, and even a bikini. None of which she felt the need to hide from him.

"I know what to do with it."


"Yes, and uhhhh…. for this plan to work I need the book and I need you to go to the park and get a…." Ladybug tried to think of something to get him as far away as possible. "-balloon."

"As you wish, M'Lady." He bowed as a little nod to the fact that he would gladly serve her. If she needed a balloon to solve this problem, he'd get her a balloon. He didn't know why she needed a balloon as she could just break the book and release the Akuma and BING BANG BADAM BOOM! Everything would return exactly as it was even The Collector would most likely return. If not, at least ChatNoir would finally have a stable father figure. Despite ChatNoir's thoughts on the matter, he trusted her.

Ladybug waited until there was no sign of ChatNoir. She sighed in relief before holding the Lucky Charm in her line of sight. "Chapstick." She cursed knowing that she would have to make a sacrifice. 'For the greater good.'

"At least I know what I'm getting into." She said before putting the chapstick on her lips. She put her hand on The Collector's cheek. "Got to make this quick."

She stood on her tip toes as she tilted his head down. She kissed him. Hoping that he would react. She would take anything at this point as she didn't want to be the woman responsible for breaking Gabriel Agreste.

The Collector could see her and didn't expect that Ladybug would have such a tactic. It was something that he thought she was incapable of. She was a child when they meant sporting a red and black spotted bodysuit and now she was possibly a young woman. Dark hair in a tight ponytail, suit mostly black with armor like pieces that matched her namesake. She had a breastplate that highlighted the little assets that she possessed. Which paired well with the shoulder pad like details. She had elbow length gloves and knee length boots, a combination that gave her a more serious look. But she was still an immature child to him.

But, he still thought of her as the naive fourteen year old girl who foiled his plans. He wanted to walk away, to pretend that she didn't do something so repulsive. 'How did you deduce this was the answer?! You imbecile!'

She frowned as there was no reaction. "I know for a fact I am an excellent…. Oh… I see the problem here….. it's not me… uhhh… stay." She hesitantly ordered as she went into a nearby room leaving him to stew in his thoughts.

"Tikki, Spots off."

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