Chapter Four

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There are only chosen things in this world that are enchanting by pure nature. The moon. The rain. His eyes.

His eyes were one of those wonders.

We were floating in the air, in the middle of the grand hall, slowly twirling in between the bright rays of the outside day and the twinkles of the chandelier, floating in each others silent but sure arms. 

His ice-blue petals remained on my darker orbs, and I could not look away at all. It was like there were stars sparkling in his eyes, the world was dark and cold and only this man was warm and safe. I wanted to remain there... floating around the old mansion. In his arms.

"Miss Garde—"

The exquisite-looking man's eyes sharpened in a second before he glared towards the source of the voice.

My eyes, full of bubbles, immediately blinked in alarm when a black substance began to flow from the corner of the man's eyes... then his lips...

What? What's happening to him?!

"She's my destiny."

A loud guttural voice suddenly ripped through the air in the hall, echoing off of the tall walls and bouncing back to me and my wide eyes.

The voice. They were someone else's... definitely someone else's... but it was actually my mouth that had opened to let them out!

"She must stay with me."


Again I felt my lips move and yet it was not my voice that came out but an entirely alien one. A grown man's voice... a voice that sounded like it wasn't used often.

"I understand quite well, Adam. Go back inside now. You know quite well you're still suspended to confinement during the day."

My... my destiny?

As if my thoughts were actually whispers tickling the skin of his ears, the translucent man's head slowly turned in my direction. His eyes which reminded me of two deep pools of the Pacific Ocean, stopped at me.

"How old are you?"

I blinked. Once. Twice.

"Does it matter?" Then finally replied, with a weak smile. Thankfully this time my own voice echoed around the walls. We were still floating. The dark liquid trickled down his cheeks.

Still, I was too muddle-minded to think. Actually, it was more so tunnel-minded than muddled. I could think, surely I could... but the sole thing rotating in the containment of my brain was the two words spoken by him.

My destiny...

His eyes too. What was it something about the two orbs?

It had been years since I received the vision. Years since I had seen creatures that walked the living world but were not truly a part of it. It was not to say that I had never met ancient or powerful beings, but I  had never been mesmerised by one like this. Like I had no walls, no barriers, no defence.

My destiny...

Just what was it about this ... ghost?

My desti...

My breath hitched in my chest.

Realisation slowly seeped into my pores, slowly creeping into the crevices and into my chest. The tips of my fingers began tingling, the rims of my wide eyes immediately reddened and I felt my chest start to heave.

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