The Red Wedding, well, Blue Actually

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Leo came into consciousness, opening his eyes to the soft light leaking into his room. It was still early in the morning, he could feel it in his bones. Although it could've been four o'clock in the afternoon as far as he knew, but from how exhausted he was it was as if he'd never gone to bed in the first place. What did he do last night? Mikey's twenty-first birthday was recently, maybe he was still tired from the rager they threw for him.

His eyes snapped open when he remembered. Engaged! He, Leonardo, was engaged! Exhilaration filled his chest as he remembered last night. The mishap with the rings, the excitement they shared, the light in his eyes... He sunk into joy.

He reached out, so he could sink into his fiance's thick fur, shifting closer to Usagi. It must have been quite early for him to still be asleep. Usagi continued to snore softly, Leo's nestling not stirring him in the slightest. Leo delighted in Usagi's deep slumber, burying himself within the soft pelt Usagi sported.

Leo felt at peace while holding his beloved in his arms. However, he was not relaxed. His heart was pounding with excitement and it took all he had to not start jumping around the room. His smile only grew wider as he fidgeted with the ring on his left hand.

A simple silver band with a small red gemstone embedded into the metal. Leo ran his thumb over the crystal. It was red, like Usagi's eyes! Leo realized with joy. He had the same idea designing Usagi's ring using blue sapphires to accentuate the large diamond entwined in the gold. He took pause as he considered the likelihood that being swallowed would tarnish the sheen of the ring. Leo still couldn't believe that Usagi managed to swallow the ring without noticing! What else has this man eaten without knowing it was inedible?

Leo tried to quell his musings, as he had begun wriggling. Unable to stim in his usual ways without letting go of Usagi, Leo had begun to bounce his leg and drum his fingers. He didn't want to wake Usagi so he attempted to have the movements subside.

With his easing motions, Usagi stirred. Still half asleep, he puts an arm over Leo to pull him even closer. Engulfed by white fur, Leo thought for a second that he had been raptured and had entered heaven. With Usagi's mumble of "Good morning," Leo decided that even heaven wouldn't be this wonderful.

"Are you sure it's morning? The night lights are still on-" Leo began to razz his sleepy fiance.

"When I say it's morning, it's morning. No sun just means I get to hold you for longer." Usagi retorted.

"Are you sure you don't want to get up? We're going to have to start planning." Leo started playing with his hair.

"Like a mission? Doesn't Donnie think up the plans?" Usagi muttered, keeping his eyes closed.

"No, don't you remember? We're supposed to-"

"The wedding!" Usagi jumped up, eyes wide and nose twitching, full awake. "We're married!" He shouted, as if he hadn't proposed a few hours ago. He slammed into Leo, laughing as he hugged him tightly, and rolling over him in the bed.

Suffocating under the mound of love that had body slammed him and pinned him down, Leo attempted to reason with the force of nature.

"We're not married yet!" He tried to explain, only for Usagi to take his hand and eye the ring.

"Hmm... The ring says otherwise." Usagi asserted with a wink that made Leo's cheeks heat up. He released Leo as he got up from the bed. "With that ring, you are my husband!" He declared, scooping Leo up bridal style.

"In that case, how about you make your wonderful, handsome and incredible husband some breakfast." Leo relished how weightless he was to Usagi. Usagi chuckled.

The Red Wedding, well, Blue ActuallyWhere stories live. Discover now