The Announcement

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The whole day had passed, and it had been painful to restrain all the jokes about marriage that set themselves up. Leo did let one or two slip but luckily no one noticed what he was implying. Without adding the dirty details, Usagi was wearing the ring before the day was done. Now he and Leo were able to show off both the rings like they were hoping. With their shared excitement, dinner time had come.

Everyone was here as planned: every turtle was accounted for, April brought Sunita, Casey senior and junior made it, and Mona Lisa had herded the cat and the mouse. A ton of pizzas had been ordered and each family member argued for their preferred movie or show. Leo did not hold back with lobbying for his movie to be shown as Usagi peacefully dug into a pizza with his mother, both watching their adopted family's dinner routine.

After much arguing, some thrown pizzas, and a little hurt pride it was decided that they would watch an older Lou Jistu movie that both Casey Jones(es) hadn't seen yet. As Leo settled down to enjoy his own pizza, he leaned against Usagi, sneakily taking his hand.

With the movie playing, Leo and Usagi had their eyes glued to the screen. They originally planned to discuss the announcement with each other, but instead the fierce fighting skills of Lou Jistu stole their attention. They weren't alone in their focus, everyone was entranced by the movie or the food, or both. As is customary in the Hamato house (sewer, really) hold, the audience verbalized their every thought at every turn of the movie. This led to a disagreement about the Lou Jistu movie universe. "Disagreement" was putting it lightly.

"You are insinuating that Lou Jistu would be so stupid to put the artifact of Xhaur'ghairain the clutches of the Dark Warrior-" Donnie yelled amidst the battle.

"No! Because you're saying that he put the world at risk on purpose, which is worse Donnie? Stupid or evil?" Mikey interrupted, only to be talked over himself.

"I've been around you my whole life and I have to say, there's not much of a distinction between the two!" Donnie threw his hands in the air.

"How could you say that? He is the defender of the world, it was clearly a mistake on the writers-" Leo defended fiercely.

"You would insult the hard working writers that brought us Lou Jistu?" Raph was offended on part of the writers that Leo threw under the bus.

"You have no idea how many rewrites this movie went through! This had nothing to do with the writers! You know the producers control the final cut!" April took Raph's side.

"Just like a writer to defend her kind!" Donnie accused, leading to a screaming match between the siblings.

Mona Lisa, not as invested in the movie as her boyfriend Raph, had started a conversation with Sunita. Discussing how they styled their unique hair; feathers and googly shmootz respectively. They were both unbothered by the shrieking of their partners or by the yelling over the movie. Casey Sr. on the other hand, was upset by this disrespectful movie etiquette.

"Your petty arguments are a stain on Lou Jistu's legacy!" She declared, temporarily pausing the riot in the living room.

"Ah, Casey you are so very considerate-" Splinter began, pleased by her eagerness, only to be stopped.

"Quiet, rat man!" She hissed and he complied, emotionally wounded.

As his past mother joined the throng, Casey Jr. stole a glance at Usagi and Dubh. A glint on Usagi's hand had caught his eye. With closer inspection he saw a gemstone poking out of the fur on his knuckles. It felt familiar to him, a shiny stone on someone's finger, but what bothered him is that he had never seen Usagi wear something like that; in current or future times.

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