3 comfort?

557 18 2

Tw⚠️ may contain mentions of sh, ed,suicide,bodyshaming

Dazais pov
I lead the white haired boy to a small tea on rice joint we took a seat and I looked at him his leg was shaking I give him a weak smile and order 2 bowls of  tea on rice for myself kinikida gives me a dirty look as he orders water and the kid reluctantly orders 1 bowl of tea on rice not daring  to make eye contact

Atsushi  pov
I look at the bowl of tea on rice rested infront of me
*I hate eating*
*I don't deserve this food it should go to somone skinny and pretty*
*i don't wanna eat*
⚠️ over
Thoughts flooding my mind as i picked up the chopsticks rested on the table
*my damn hand is shaking*
*theyre looking at me*
*ill deal with it later just eat now*
I brought a bite to my mouth ,then another and another  with every bite I held myself back from puking it up
Finally I finished the bowl setting the chopsticks down and looking up at the 2 people in front of me

"I'm finished thank you" I say plastering a weak smile onto my face
"Are u sure u don't want a another bowl u said its been a week and a half? " The brunette asks with a look of concern
"im sure"
"Well, if you say so.."
"Ill pay then " the blonde man says pulling his wallet out and staring daggers into "dazai"
Dazais pov:
"So atsushi why are u out here all alone?"
"Umm because my orphanage kicked me out.."
"Thats not hospitality"
"Why would they do that "  I ask intrigued
"Uh well because im a .."
"A man eating tiger"
Hearing that kunikida whipped his head around to face the poor kid
"A man eating tiger.. Dazai is that the one were looking for?" He asked
"It may be."
"Huh wdym looking for?" He asked kunikida now had his collar in a strong grip he looked like he was loosing oxygen
Before I could reply to the question the boy collapsed hitting his head hard on the table
"Wow good job kunikida, u killed him" I say sarcastically
"Hes still alive he only  fainted, lets take him back to the office"
"U can carry him bc u made him faint" I say speeding ahead towards the exit
"I hate u"
"I love u too kunikida, now chop chop" I say smiling
(Skipping ahead. at the agency)
"What the ,why do u have a child"
Rampo asked confused?
"I think kunikida choked the weretiger we were looking for"
"Oh werent u meant to bring him back alive "
"Kunikida got carried away in the moment"
"Uh ill go get yasono "  
Kenji says walking towards her office
(1 minute later)
[Yasono walks out of her office holding a clipboard]
"So let me get this straight u choked the weretiger and now u have a child that fainted on ur shoulder?"
"No the weretiger  kunikida choked is the child on his shoulder"
"That looks like an 18 year old boy to me not a tiger" she says leaning on a desk
"We think the tiger is his ability but we do need u to check if hes okay.." kunkida says now carrying the boy bridal style
"Just take him to my office."
Yasonos pov:
(After running tests)
I call kunikida and dazai into my office
"So is he okay"   the blonde man says sounding worried
"Aww are u concerned for his health kunii" dazai says teasingly
"Both of u shut up "
Slight tw⚠️
"Hes in horrible condition he has severe bloodloss,dehydration and slight malnutrition also he has cuts,burns,bruises everywhere,he has rope burns on his neck and a hole in his foot."
I watched dazai and kunikida turn to face each other looks of horror on there faces
"What.. the fuck,
What happened to him "
Dazai said turning his face back to look at the boy
"I think he was abused..that would explain why he flinched when i went to pet his head earlier"
"Kunikida are u okay?" I say looking at him he hadn't said anything since I told them what happened
"What..uh yeah i am ,just thinking" He said shifting closer to the boy slightly ruffling his hair "poor kid" he whispered
"Im moving to a bed and putting him on iv u should probably tell the president" I say bringing a stretcher towards the examination table
"The 2 nod and make there way out of my office heading towards presidents"

(7hrs later)
Atsushis pov:
My eyes feel heavy I manage to get one open
*where am i*
*what happend*
*whats going on*
I get both eyes open and scan my surroundings
I can hear beeping
I look down at my arm
Is that an iv?
I look over to see 2 people
I think it's the 2 that took me to eat
What where there names  dazai and..kunikida
"Hey kunikida hes awake.." the brown haired man spoke
"Huh oh uh good morning ur Finally awake"
"Hey listen kid we need to talk"

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