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Tw⚠️ sh,ed,emetophobia
Dazais pov:
"I don't want to"
"Atsushi please ,you're really sick no ones gonna judge u for eating its basic human nature"
"But i dont want to,its not I like i can keep it down my body dosent store food anymore"
"But it stored that tea on rice didnt it?"
"Yeah but-"
"No buts it stored the tea on rice "
"But thats a rare case its not 100% gonna happen again"
"Atsushi im serious if u dont eat ur at risk of needing a feeding tube."
"Why would i need a feeding tube"
"Because you're severely underweight and yasono hasent even gotten a chance to weigh u she figured that out by looking at u"
"Its not that bad"
*omg hes so..why cant he understand he can litterly die?*
"It is that bad u just admitted to purging once a day for years."
"Im fine."
"Atsushi forget the feeding tube ur at risk of death"
"No im not"
"Yes you are"
Moving off the chair and getting on the floor on my knees
"Atsushi pls eat Somthing it dosent need to be big u can work ur way up"
"Why are u on the ground?"
"Im litterly begging u not to get urself killed  and eat something, anything"
Atsushis pov:
*why is he on the floor*
*im not that important*
*why does he care so much*
*this dosent make sense*
*i feel so guilty, im not worth the Hassel*
"Uh what did you want me to eat"
"Anything u want"
He smiles standing up from the ground and sitting back on his chair
* his face lit up*
"I dont feel like anything u can choose"
"Whats ur favorite food?"
"So tea on rice?"
"Looks like i have good taste then, ill get you a bowl"
He walks out smiling
Dazais pov:
*i did it!*
*wonder why i feel so much responsibility for him *
*oh yeah odasaku*
I walk to the presidents office  knocking on the door
"Come in"
"Ah dazai,whats the status on the weretiger?"
"I convinced him to eat!"
"Wonderful, has he eaten yet"
"No i still need to get him food "
"How long did it take you to convince him "
"3 hours sir"
"3 seems like alot,was he asleep?"
"No he was fully awake"
"And was that inculding talking to him abt why he didnt want to eat?"
"No,just convincing him"
"Can i ask why"
"He kept saying no and i kept saying yes"
"I see,well what food did he want ill send somone down"
"Chazuke sir"
"Did he specify what kind?"
"No sir"
"Please go tell kunikida to get him a bowl of chazuke then go back and wait with the weretiger "
"Yes sir"
"Also tell kunikida that the price is covered"
"Will do!"
  I walk out of his office. Approaching the main space  swinging  the door open
"What is it,hows the boy"
"Atsushi agreed to eat so hes better then before "
"Thats good"
"But what did u need"
"U need to go get him a bowl of chazuke"
"Presidents orders"
"What kind"
"Just get him whatever he wont mind"
"Also president said the price is covered"
"Okay ill go now"

546 words!
I'll try and push  out another chapter today might get 2 out if I'm lucky
Sorry it's short x

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