The Cargo Ship

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When we enter the ship we stay hidden in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Bruce was back on the jet. He didn't want to have to turn into the Hulk unless it was necessary. I stay back watching a group of people consisting of Ultron, Wanda, Pietro, Klaw, and a very tall guy. I see the tall man open a door. A secret compartment drops down revealing tons of hidden vibranium. Klaw picks one of the tubes up and holds it up to Ultron.

"Upon this rock, I will build my church," Ultron says while taking the vibranium. He tosses it up in the air and catches it in his hands. "Vibranium." He then throws the capsule to Pietro.

"You know," Klaw says. "It came at great personal cost. It's worth billions." Ultron chuckles at this statement and stares off into space for a second.

"And now so are you," the bot says. A cell phone buzz was heard and the tall man took it out of his pocket. "It's all under your dummy holdings. Finance is so weird." Klaw goes to look at the phone and smiles. "But I always say 'Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which.' Klaw turns to Ultron with a suddenly changed expression. He looks irritated.

"Stark," he says.

"What?" Ultron asks.

"Tony Stark used to say that," Klaw says. "To me. You're one of his."

"What? I'm not..." Ultron says annoyed. He then grabs Klaw's arm. The tall man pulled out his gun, but Wanda used her powers to keep his gun by his side. "I'm not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets? His hollow men? I mean, look at me. Do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!" Ultron chopped Klaw's arm clean off. Klaw groans and backs up, holding what remains of his arm. "I'm sorry. I'm... Ooo! I'm sure that's gonna be okay. I'm sorry. It's just I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark!" Ultron kicks Klaws through a door and he falls down the stairs. "It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness!" Tony then decides to come out of hiding.

As he flies down to be level with Ultron he says, "Ah, Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." Steve and Thor step up behind him to back him up.

"If I have to," Ultron replies. I'm walking around on an upper floor with my dad and Nat, sneaking around.

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor says.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron says.

"He beat me by one second," Tony says to Steve and Thor.

"Ah, yes. He's funny," Pietro says. "Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro looks down at one of the missiles on the bottom floor. I feel bad for him at this moment. He lost everything except Wanda when that missile struck his apartment building. His whole life was gone in a matter of seconds. I don't know what I would do if I lost my family like that.

"This was never my life," Tony says.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve says.

"Oh, we will," Wanda says with a smirk on her face.

"I know you've suffered," Steve says. Ultron scoffs at I'm and laughs.

"Captain America," he chuckles. "God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." He then gets cut off by Thor,

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," he says.

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'," Ultron says.

"Uh-huh," Tony says. "What's the vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that," Ultron replies. "Because I want to take this time to explain my evil plan." He then pulls Tony towards him and then sends him flying back with lasers that come out of his fingertips. Tony and Ultron start going at it while Steve and Thor fight iron legion bots. I see the twins start to get involved in the fight as well. Nat and I split off from dad and we see men running toward us. They must be some of Klaw's. She starts fighting them in combat while I throw energy blasts at them with my powers. I see one going for Natasha while she isn't looking and I throw him over the railing with my magic. I teleport up behind some men who haven't spotted us yet and play mind games with them. Nothing bad, but I just make them lose their sight. I knock them out and continue on my way. I spot Dad shooting arrows at some of Klaw's men from a higher floor. I shield him from an oncoming bullet and get back to fighting. I go down to a lower floor to help Tony, Steve, and Thor with the robot situation. When I get there I see a blue blur speed past me and then Steve falls back onto the ground. As I'm fighting more bots I see Thor throw his hammer at the blur.

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